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I'm reaching out
My cold, sweaty palms desperately clawing towards the ceiling
They're catching invisible stars -
that I count instead of sheep

I use my sorrow as a faithful witness
My sorrow is a woman of vengeful flames
She slams me against walls -
just by whispering my name

She is the force that nails my hands into my bed
So gentle she is as she presses her kiss of death
I beg, I beg - No more, I'm tired of being 
crucified and pretending I'm not sore

Dry mouth, damp eyes
Bruised wrists on a broken child
I ask her if there's anyone on this world who can be kind
She says pretty promises, setting up her lies

Encouragement is nothing without spine
It's just a sad recipe unless there's effort and a drive
I've learned this much in my little life,
things won't just change solely because of time

Time is small; It's you that's valuable
You change like chameleon Autumn leaves
Ripen like grapes -
Ripe with your decay but beautiful in taste

I get drunken on the type of melancholy
- that inspires you to say when you've had enough
I love the strength that peaks through self disgust
like sun through thin curtains that dance in the breeze

Sometimes I dance along on my good days
I move with the air that travels into lungs
but I end up nowhere
Just constantly imitating things that give me that buzz

But you, my beautiful shot of tequila
go down so smooth but hit me so strong
Time goes nowhere when you're in my system
You pull my lips into a grin, and that's when I know I'm long gone

I'm your lime wedge, your rim of salt
I'm sour like a lemon but comfort you with my hint of pine
My salt - gritty like shattered asphalt
but I always give you laugh lines

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