Ch 2. Aftermath

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Its weird being told his own story, or at least his brothers story. Was this really how they viewed him, like he was an evil deity and his brother the good deity? What was this, the story of God and the Devil?!

"So let me get this straight...your telling me that two brothers had a fall out and one decided to rule the world." Izuku drawled out." The younger brother died after he passed on a Quirk his older brother gave him, unaware that it had fused with a Quirk he already had. How does one just randomly find out they can transfer DNA, that seems like a major plot hole in this whole thing."

He knew exactly how it was done, but honestly he would rather not think of his brother doing...things, with anyone.

"Basically yes." Toshinori said before pausing." As for the second question, I am unsure of how the First knew about that."

"Ok, is there a reason your wanting to give this...One For All to a kid with the same ability as the incarnation of all evil?" Izuku asked casually." Because, even I know that's a bad idea, do you have any self preservation?!"

"All For One is dead, it shouldn't matter." Toshinori explained with a sigh." And your the only person that I've found that my Quirks drawn too, plus I'm running out of time."

Izuku mulled things over in his head, sure he's always wanted One For All back. He just couldn't believe it was basically being handed to him like candy, how had he not managed to steal this Quirk from Toshinori in the original timeline again?

"Your crazy, as I've mention four times already." Izuku commented before sighing." But as you've yet to change your mind, and I have a feeling your not going to...then fine. I will take the Quirk....."

The look of pride in Toshinori's expression nearly broke Izuku's heart, if the man knew who he truly was then he wouldn't be feeling this way. That was for sure.

Toshinori briefly entered his buff form, plucking hair out before deflating once again. He then handed the hair to him.

"Eat this." Toshinori stated and Izuku stared in disbelief. Well that discounted his brother and second getting intimate just to pass along the DNA, did that mean the second user was...his brother in law?

"W-What?" Izuku stammered, he wasn't one for stuttering, but this was awkward. Toshinori just smiled widely, completely unconcerned.

"You need to consume my DNA for it to transfer." Toshinori explained and Izuku just gaped, he did not need that imagery.

Izuku took the hair, eyeing it suspiciously. After a moment or two of hesitation he ate it, gagging as he forced it down his throat. Maybe his brothers imprint would kill him out of mercy, it was more then he deserved though. So he doubted that he would get off the hook that easily.

"Ok, I ate the what?" Izuku asked feeling slightly ill, this kid did not have a strong stomach like his former body did. Sure it was strong for his age and size, but the hair still made him wanna throw up.

"Now you wait for a few hours, I'll arrange to meet you tomorrow to test the power." Toshinori said with a smile." By then it should have been properly absorbed and ready to be used."

"Um, can you take me home please?" Izuku asked looking at the hero." I don't know my way from here."

It was a complete lie, but he needed to let his mother know he was safe and he wasn't facing her alone. Toshinori agreed and they parted ways with Tsukauchi who had been surprisingly silent the entire conversation.

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