"Be that as it may, you looks more evil when you're awake." I said and moving away as I quickly disappeared as I feel so drained in view of him rebuffing me until this hour.

Jungkook POV

"Jungkook, wake the fuck up!" I quickly opened my two eyes as I hear that irritating voice consistently I hear while I'm attempting to have 12 hours of rest. I promptly sit up and pivot to Taehyung who's going to get close to me yet he pause and check out at me with his frightened face.

"Why the hell are you in here again?" I ask and definetly realize what he'll reply, I simply having a decent rest and all I need is to have a peacefull rest and just let myself awaken without anybody irritating me.

"Gracious, I'm here to annoyed you. It's practically 1pm, Mr Jeon Jungkook, geez."

Taehyung says before to sitting on my bed, I rapidly turn my head to the wall clock and it says 12:40 pm in the early afternoon. I slap my temple as I let my entire body return to my bed as I sighs out. Abruptly I review what simply happened final evening that causes me to sit up back before to checking Taehyung out.

"Definitely, I'm going to ask you what did you do to Azumi that makes you get up this late?" He asks as he playing with his fingers then to gazing toward me as he attempting to hang on his irritating grin, I roll my eyes as I attempting to recollect something I can't think as expected.

"Where is she?" That's all I ask before looking again back to Taehyung, He imagined he's thinking as he put his index finger on his jawline while he's gazing toward the white plain roof.

"I don't have any idea, I actually haven't seen her today. But, that Sota guy said she's still sleeping."


Azumi POV

"Zumi-ah, aren't you have some works to do today?" I heard Sota's voice, I'm now conscious however I let myself attempting to rest more and feel that I expected to remain still as my body feels like not having any desire to move even an inch. I don't have the foggiest idea why I feel so jam and like a pad that simply needed to remain still, I feel somebody shake my body that makes me groan in annoyance.

"What." I said on my lethargic and break voice with still my eyes close, I change position as I simply disregard this one and only dearest companion of mine who's attempting to occupy me from my excellence rest.

"It's now passed 1 pm, Kang Azumi my dear best friend."

After Sota said those line, I quickly stand up as I open my eyes. In any case, abruptly I feel so exceptionally dazed as I feel uncomfortable as I quickly hold to Sota who's remaining before me as I shut my eyes tight.

"Could it be said that you are alright? You're burning." I heard Sota said, I expressed nothing as I attempting to let myself back to ordinary yet something didn't transform, I gestured gradually my head as I let go Sota.

"Where's granddad?" I ask as I notice that nobody's laying on the bed, It feels like a dream, I it isn't genuine to feel that this. I plunked down my butt down on the couch where I continuously dozing as I notice Sota take something.

"He's in the washroom." Sota said as he strolling back with a warm bottle of water on his hand, I accept it as I promptly tipsy everything with one swallow.

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