Chapter 9: The Festival and.. One for All?

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Back again.

Aight, so i just realised this story hit 3000+ reads, i got so shocked that i fell off of my chair and hit my head on my wardrobe. Like what the hell? How did this get so popular XD

Thanks for the support by the way! I appreciate every last one of you. I never thought i'd get this far but i'll roll with it. Anyway its now 20:40 and i've got a chapter to write so i hope you enjoy.

Lets goooooooooooooooooooo 


"Fuck... What the hell happened last night?" Killua asked to no one in particular, getting up from his spot on the....floor?

'Wait a second, why am i not in my... bed..' Killua thought as he looked over to see a passed out Uraraka on a pile of couch cushions, Milkshake in hand. "What th- Oh.. i remember now" Killua said to himself, realising why he had a headache, and was sleeping on the floor. The boy stuck his hands to his face and groaned, deciding to walk over to the kitchen and make some coffee. 'I'm never doing that again' He thought.

After a couple of minutes Killua walked over to the messed up couches and placed the two cups of coffee down on the table, 1 for him, and the other for Uraraka. He also grabbed some paracetamol for the girl, because it sure as hell wasn't going to work on him. "Hey, Uraraka, wake up" Killua said, trying his best to not just punch her like he would with gon. The girl didn't budge though, staying still. "Hey, wake up." Killua said in a slightly louder voice, and yet she still didn't move. 'Oh for fucks sake.' He didn't want to deal with this today, so he just gave her a small electric shock.

"AHHHH- oh... Morning Killua..?" She woke up instantly, getting confused as to why she was on a pile of cushions. The girl moved her head too quickly though and put a hand to her head almost instantly "Owwww, why do i have such a bad head...ache." Uraraka let her eyes land on the Milkshake in her hand, now having the answer to her question. Killua took it from her and walked over to put it in the bin "I think it's better if we yknow, don't do that again?" Killua said, to which the girl quickly agreed. "There's some paracetamol on the table for you, also some coffee." The boy said while picking up the cushions Uraraka just got off of and beginning to place them back where they belong.

"Thank you" She took a sip from the cup "..this place looks like a wreck, i hope we didn't do anything to embarrassing in front of the others." Killua froze. At that he faintly remembered flying around the room with Uraraka's zero gravity yelling 'i believe i can fly' "Yeahhhh, im sure it'll be just fine." Killua said, making sure to keep his face turned away from the girl in order to hide his embarrassment. 

Shortly after Killua managed to clean up the common room, Izuku walked down the stairs. The boy looked slightly surprised when looking around the room, telling Killua immediately that he was still down to see what happened. "..Goodmorning guys, are you two.. okay now? Izuku asked the two, who were now sitting down. "Well if you count okay as having a headache and being extremely embarrassed then yeah, we are doing just fine." Killua replied sarcastically


Eventually after pretty much everyone in the dorm had come downstairs with a slightly worried look aimed towards the two Sugar-holics, they finally made it to school. Killua did what he always did, barely pay attention to any of the lessons, Mainly because he'd known most of it anyway. When it was time for lunch he waited in the classroom until everyone was gone and then left by himself, taking his earmuffs off. "Damn, these things are starting to get less and less comfortable everyday" The boy said, scratching the extra ears he'd pretty much grown accustomed too. Although as he walked past what was labelled a 'break room', he heard Izuku's voice come from behind it. Curious, he got closer and stood right next to the door, being able to hear pretty much perfectly thanks to the same ears he'd been scratching before.

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