Chapter 2: The Human Lie Detector

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Well damn, 15 reads already? Wasn't expecting that, but there wasn't any complaints so i'll just assume i'm doing okay. Enjoy the chapter!

The two stayed at that table for a little while, still trying to comprehend the fact that killua was from another world. There was a little conversation at first but after a while they just settled for comforting silence.

It was about an hour from where they first met when Aizawa's patrol would normally have ended. Which meant he would normally be able to head home, but he still had to deal with this kid. There was no way he could sleep well when a kid from another world is just roaming around, and since he is the one that found the boy, he guessed that he technically is the one most responsible for him right now. So he decided that he should go see Detective Tsukauchi with Killua. Its not that Aizawa was suspicious of him lying or anything. He just wanted to know if there has ever been any quirks that can teleport people between worlds, and also he did kind of want to find out more about the boy, which could happen if he could tell what was true or false.

"Hey, Killua", The boy turned his eyes towards him. "Just curious, do you know what a quirks is?" Aizawa asked, wanting to know if their worlds were really that different. "an a peculiar aspect of a person's character or behaviour. I ain't stupid you know". He said, almost amused by the question. Yes i searched up the actual definition, sue me. "Well, correct, but in this world quirks are also... a kind of superpower you're born with i guess is the best way to put it". Killua's eyebrows perked up at the mention of superpower, slowly glancing into the window of the cafe they were sitting next to so he could look at his reflection. "So you're saying that's why i've got these?" Killua said while running a hand over his fluffy ears. "Most likely, but on with what i was going to say. I'm going to take you to a police station so we can check whether there are any quirks that could help you get home." He told killua while getting up, who was very amused by the mention of police. " What, so you mean the police here aren't completely useless? Jeez this place is weird" Killua said as he got up from his chair to follow the man.

This worried Aizawa slightly, "Well i mean, in a place full of hero's, the police don't really help that much with the actual fights, but they are still considered useful. Are they not in your world?" The man said with a frown on his face. "No, they might as well not exist with all the powerful people there, they just aren't strong enough" Killua said with a shrug. "Also, you keep on mentioning hero's, like according to your introduction earlier your also a 'pro hero'. I mean what is this a fairy tale?" He said, in a taunting tone, almost as if he was amused by the mere idea of a hero. Aizawa then asked "There are no hero's in your world then i assume?" with an even more noticeable frown on his face than before.

He kind of wished he didn't ask all things considered.

The dark look on the small boy's face sent shivers down his spine, the light completely gone from his eyes. "In my world there's no one there to protect you, its every man for himself." And, almost as if he imagined it, the darkness was consumed by light once again as Killua, the boy he was way more concerned for than before simply asked "So how far away is this police station?"

Time skip brought to you by me not knowing if that was dragging on too long :D


Killua's POV :3

The sun had started to come up by the time me and the old man had arrived at the police station.  A slightly amused expression came on to my face as the amazingly funny thought of the police being useful came to mind once again. This world is clearly soft, i mean it literally could be considered a children's book back in my world. 'Still i've got to wonder, is there actually any powerful people here' I thought, it could be interesting to fight someone from this world but just going by the fact there's heros in this world, that's probably illegal or some shit. 'Also since im in a new world my hunters license might as well be cardboard' i mentally pouted, realising i'm actually going to have to earn money like a normal person. The old man was talking to the person at the desk asking to see someone called detective 'Sue couchy' or something like that, i can't say i was really paying attention up until now .I could see the old man getting a few weird looks when he told me to follow him. 'Must not be the type of person to socialise' I thought, taking another look at the man....

A New Beginning (HxH X MHA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora