Chapter 6: Sympathy and Bloodlust

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Ay guess what, I'm back bitches!
Took me long enough, but eh, there are certain problems you just have to deal with right?
Anyways, this chapter would be an like 3x as big as my normal amount of words but then I kinda realised that I don't want to delay my updates any longer. So to make up for me being gone so long, I am going to be working on chapters all week and uploading them as soon as I'm done. At the least, I'll have a chapter ready Tuesday (today),Thursday and Friday or Saturday. This could be the time where an upload schedule is introduced. but I can't promise I'm goin to stick with it cause yknow...

my GCSE's are in less that 2 months....

Lol anyway-
Hope you enjoy this chapter, see you at the end.

You guessed it, Kill boy POV now >:>


I'll admit, i knew all of my classmates were staying in the dorms, but i really didn't think i'd would have to join them. I was with the old man after all, so i had no reason at all to live there. But of course, as soon as i was offered to stay at the dorms by the awfully chimera ant-like principle, he threw me under the bus before i could deny the offer. I knew i was a pain but jeez, i think that's kinda harsh. Having to deal with some... undesirable roomates everyday was seriously annoying, and while yes i don't have to wait for the old man to get ready i would still go back in a heartbeat.

I could hear the rabid animal shouting in the common room, "OUTTA MY WAY, DEKU!", like usual. I don't know whats more annoying, how he shouts all the time or that literally no one other than me states how annoying he is. Had i been taken to this stupid place 2 years prior to this very moment, i can't doubt the fact that i would've already stabbed him more times than i can count on both of my hands. Well what can you do, i'm attending a hero school right now so i doubt i can change my mind about that matter.

The day i beat that supposed "closest to the number one spot, including the pros." in the old man's words, everyone was gawking about how cool the fight was. They were extremely loud but i'd learnt to deal with it after the first few times. I'm pretty sure Mr. Gunpowder heard about it because he's been purposely avoiding any and all interactions with me, which lets be honest its not really that big of a surprise. It was the day after that of which i was put in this hellhole, and on the same day everyone was finally allowed to go on their work studies!

Well, except me of course, cause my life just fucking hates me.

Atleast i don't have to get taught by an orca with the pyromaniac and the icy hot advertisement. But the other downside is i have to do one on one lessons with the old man who practically kicked me out, on stuff i already know. Eh whatever, i'm done staring at the ceiling, its time to get up. I change into the most comfortable thing i have, grab my skateboard and fly down the hallway. "NO SKATEBOARDS INSIDE, ZOLDYCK!" the sonic cosplayer shouted at me. I just ignored him and flew down the stairs, passing a very shocked looking broccoli as i landed at the bottom perfectly and went into the kitchen to grab the deluxe chocolate robot i'd found in a shop and had been saving in the fridge. I opened the door with my eyes shut in a smile to myself, atleast one thing is going well toda-

Its time for broccoli pov, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



I heard a shout from downstairs, and after seeing Killua fly down said stairs, i quickly ran down to check on him "Killua, whats wrong?!" I rounded the corner and darted my eyes around until i spotted him, he was right in front of the open fridge except on the floor with his head faced down. I began making my way over.

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