Start from the beginning

They got delayed with a few months because they couldn't chose between Munzil and him. They were sent on a deployment around the outskirts of Adamawa where some bandits are trying to push their way through town and the two of them were asked to lead the troops to test their sense of power and the soldiers voted for Zayd.

Okay, maybe he needs to stop thinking about Munzil and his weirdness and focus on why the Colonel wants to see him.

He knocked at his office, entered when he heard the quiet acquiescence from inside. The geriatric around mid sixties sat behind his desk, horn-rimmed glasses shielded his deep set of wide eyes. His expression stern as he regard him behind the glasses, his mouth set in a thin line that never fail to amaze Zayd because he's gotten so used to it that if he smiles, it'll look like he is grimacing or something.

"Captain Zayd, good to see you again." The man greeted after Zayd saluted, tucked his hat beneath his armpit to show respect to his senior. "We have arranged a few cars to have you move around, your own personal escorts."

Zayd gave a confused smile then started making up a speech in his head to turn down this absurd offer. What sort of escorts? He can protect himself, that is why he joined the army in the first place. Why need people to do the job he is well capable of doing himself. No, he isn't liking this rank no more. They are making him feel like a weakling instead of a superior, that is not what he's signed up for.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Paul but I want to turn down this amazing offer. Having escorts is really not my thing." His smile blindingly yawed to one filled with respect, a smile that always move his superiors during those days. There is nothing a soldier loves and adores other than respect, they want to be worshipped.

Colonel Paul is already shaking his head before Zayd could close his mouth. "There is no turning back now. Your new car is outside waiting with your escorts. Three stars isn't a joke but you can ask them not to follow you around during your personal time. Anything work related, a Captain must go about with his escort and that is final."

Zayd let out a breath but saluted and left after few pleasantries, his mood already dampened with this new piece of information. Why do they want to make him suffer like that? Escorts are going to get nothing but attention and that is something he's been trying to avoid since high school. Maybe this whole Captain stuff is not for him after all. He should just exchange places with Munzil, the guy is capable enough but then again, he's been waiting too long for this to give it up because of mere attention and escorts. He is not that little kid from high school anymore.

With a disgruntled sigh, he settled inside the Peugeot they've given him painted olive fern, sort of color most soldiers use for their car. He nodded at the driver who happens to be a soldier too, just noncommissioned one. There are total of five cars following him, two at the front and three behind which emitted another grunt from him. What the hell is this? A convoy to convey a bride or what? This is really ridiculous and to think some kill for this attention.

Along the way, he started dozing off a bit, the tiredness slowly creeping from within to his eyes but the cars suddenly stop with a jerk causing him to hit his head with the window beside him. He blinked, looked out from the windshield to see what is going on since the windows in the car are tinted. A punch pink car just blurred past them in a lightening speed that had his brows raising in question because of the audacity and talent. This person isn't an ordinary driver and he'd be damned if he doesn't find out who this person is.

Besides, no one is allowed to drive like this especially not on a busy road and that too brushing past an army's convoy. This person should be taught a lesson or two because he might cause accident and maybe rush away too.

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