CH22 - Questions about the Director

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( No One's POV )

Peace has been restored to Liyue, there are no more sea monster that is threatening to destroy a civilization...


There is however, One angry man who has been swimming for hours trying to reach the harbor ...

"They didn't even take me into account! What the fuck?!?"

As much as he complains, No one was willing to save him from swimming eternally ... Well... There is one... However...

"Oh? Heyo (Y/N)! Good timing! I was preparing your coffin!"


If only the Director of the Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao, Was willing enough to jump in to the sea and grab (Y/N) out of waters, perhaps he wouldn't be screaming right now...

"Here you go!" Hu tao smiled and pushed a coffin into the sea towards his direction. seeing the opportunity to rest, (Y/N) quickly swam towards the coffin and tried to lift himself up to it, only to fail and cause the coffin to flip over

Hu tao laughed as He rose up from the water and managed to lift himself up of the coffin "huff... Huff... I... I might get traumatized from the amount of times i almost drowned..." He spoke to himself as he laid down in the coffin as he took deep breaths

"(Y/N) that's not... How you use a... Coffin" Hu tao shouted as she laughed, causing (Y/N) to look at her and frown "I'm not dying yet! So don't go making Coffins for me too early!"

Hu Tao slowly stopped laughing before smiling as she watched (Y/N) drift towards the harbor.... Slowly... Very slowly... "Hmm... What say we do a little bit of pranking~?" Her smile turned to a grin as (Y/N) was nearing her range. It wasn't long before He got the gist of what she was planning to do "No... Don't you dare!"

"Ehehehe~ go~!" A smiling ghost appeared from Hu Tao's hand and went to bumped the coffin that (Y/N) was on, it wasn't enough to tip the coffin over, but it was sure enough time for (Y/N) to stand up and jump towards the harbor

Hu Tao's eyes widened as she saw him almost reach the docks only for her to grin.

Keyword: Almost

(Y/N) failed to reach the harbor with a jump, causing Hu Tao to laugh before suddenly, A Rainbow string shot out from the water and quickly tied itself to Her foot "Eh?" Dumfounded by the string and not having enough time to react, She was immediately dragged towards the water

It only took a few seconds before Hu Tao's hat floated from the sea,  following (Y/N) who accidentally wore the hat while Hu Tao hugged him from behind "PHUA! This is going way too far!" Hu tao coughed out some water directly towards the back of his face as another rainbow thread fired out from the water and began dragging them towards the docks

"It's fun to drown people now, hm?"

"Tsk, another customer lost"

"Why the hell do i want to die?!?!"

Laughing at him angrily talking back, Hu tao went on and lifted herself up first and took her hat from (Y/N)'s head "Now im wet... What am i supposed to do~?"

"Fix.... That problem yourself... I have to go somewhere..." (Y/N) quickly lied down at the docks and tried to recover his energy "Taking a damn swim... Is tiring...." Hu Tao only smirked and sat beside him "Sounds like a skill issue"

"No shit... Sherlock.... Why are you still here anyways? Go switch clothes already.." (Y/N) slowly tilts his head towards her "Well~ You see, my clothes are kind of glued to my body and... You know, someone might think of me something else other than a prankster..." Hu tao blushed and covered her face

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