Ch 2 - Food Problems require Food solutions

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[ (Y/N)'s POV ]


"Come on (Y/N)!"

My legs.... They're dying....

"H-how far must we... go...?"

I fell down to the ground, Just how much stamina do you have?! Lumine went to me and started to carry me "L-lumine...?" She only smiled at me and proceeded to carry me with my arm over her shoulder, it didn't take long for her to put me down in exhaustion "i... i'll catch up..."

"N-no... wait..." She said in exhaustion " I'll figure something out..." She sat beside me as we tried to gather our breaths "My my, Paimon did not think that (Y/N) would be the first one to get exhausted! Shame on you!" i looked at Paimon with an angry face "Why dont... you try walking you floating Fish bait!"

"Paimon is not a fish bait!"

Lumine only laughed for a little before standing up again and turning around to grab me by my uniform's collar... wait a minute... "Lumine... my clothes will get dirty... don't drag me" She stopped before letting my uniform's collar go and proceeded to grab my arm and putted it over her shoulder once again 

"Sorry for this Lumine..." i said as we slowly moved a little to where Paimon was leading us "Ah... its no problem, after all friends help each other right?" I laughed at her answer "But your more than just a friend for me" She stopped talking and accidentally let me go, causing me to roll over and fall down a cliff... 

"Mana Thread!" i said as a mana-infused string came from my hand and attached itself to the cliff, i quickly recovered, it wasn't a huge fall but still... "What was that for?" i shouted loud for her to hear "S-sorry! Are you okay?!?" She popped her head at the end of the cliff, her face was full of worry

"Yeah, kinda fine. Follow Paimon for now! i'll try and get to where she is trying to lead us to!" i told her and i got a nod in response before her head disappeared. i turned to the forest and started to walk around, i could see an altar far away but...

That isn't the only thing that is interesting here right...?

Surely that tall stone isn't the only thing that is interesting... There should be something interesting here...

Ah... 1 lonely boar spotted...



[ Lumine's POV ]

I slashed another slime away as the tornado i caused disappeared, Just like (Y/N)....

Speaking of which... where is he? 


I quickly looked at the direction of the noises and found out that a blur was coming to me at high speed, i quickly ducked at the blur and heard something hitting the Statue and a squeal... from a boar?

"Hole in one baby! Woooo!"

D-did (Y/N) do that...?

"Oh there you were Lumine! You can't believe what i just did to send that boar flying!" I could hear Laughter as he runs towards me, No wait there's a water th-


I sighed and saw his body float in the small lake before he slowly made his way to me, after reaching the small island i was at, he quickly stood up with a smile in his face while water was dripping from his face "I just sent that guy flying with just an Imitation wind spell!" I nodded while sweatdropping. He looked at the surroundings for a moment before spotting a slime and before i knew it, His eyes sparkled once again. He quickly looked at me with a smile "Watch!" 

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