CH 13 - Check up

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[ Lumine's POV ]

Me and Jean were on our way to see (Y/N) to check up on him because of what Lisa has said, I'm wishing he is okay right now...

"I may have regretted on leaving you all behind, but that is the past now, for I have brought you the savior, shouldn't you be happy for this at least? " I heard a voice from the back of the Headquarters "Like I would be! The damage was too much for us to recover and yet you expect him to save us?!"... Venti...?

I stopped walking which caught the attention of Jean "Is there something wrong, Lumine?" I looked at her and gestured her to follow me, as we slowly moved nearer to the building, the more Venti's conversation with someone was clearer

"You lack hope, Barbatos. " The voice spoke with a menacing tone "This child i had brought saved his own world, I am confident that he can save this world as well. And I will make sure of it" What is this conversation about? "...we missed you... Gaia-san..." I could hear Venti's saddened voice as his talking partner giggled "I had missed you all as well, now if you could excuse me, I have something to do" before they could stop their conversation, I immediately tried to act like I wasn't listening to their talk and looked at Jean, who immediately gave me a shocked expression

"You do know it is bad to eavesdrop a conversation that you aren't involved in, right?" A hand quickly grabbed me by the shoulder " Ah, it's you... Lumine, was it? "I slowly turned around to face a woman taller than me and was revealing lots of skin "...You fit well to the requirements, very well. I shall accept you as the wife for my child, as well as you. Jean Gunnhildr"


"As unfortunate as it may seems, I do not have enough blessings to give to you two other than... Well... A 100% chance to becoming a parent with a wonderful child if you know what I mean" I felt my face heat up as she laughs "Fret not my dear, You have lots of time to prepare yourself" she quickly winked at me before laughing again "Y-you...!" I could hear Jean stuttering from behind me "If you do not know my name yet, I am Gaia, The goddess of life"

"B-but y-your clothes!"

"I look sexy in it, don't I? Did you know that He likes women who wears this? Fufufu~ I know my child the best~" She giggles again before looking at me, I was about to speak but she slowly putted a finger on my lips "I entrust my child to you. Keep him safe, no matter what, and I will assist you on finding your brother as long as I could"


"That is right Lumine, Your brother, Aether... Perhaps I shouldn't tell you or else someone will get angry at me..." She sighs before backing off and looking at Venti who I'm assuming is still standing there "I will be wandering this world for a while now that I am back, would you care to join me, Barbatos?"

" would be an honor... Gaia-san..."

She then turned to face me and pay me on the head "Remember, Take care of him okay? If you need my 'blessing' just pray for me and you shall receive, if your brave enough that is, fufufu~ " I felt my face heat up the more she talks about it, she then suddenly disappears in front of me "I admire your courage to give him what he needed, Gunnhildr. Should I give you my blessing just in case?" I quickly turned around to see her head near Jean's ears, her voice was loud enough for me to hear and for Jean's face to blush "Just kidding~! Let us go and leave the youth be, Barbatos!"

Gaia immediately hopped in happiness and spun around in the middle of the road as Venti followed her slowly. Me and Jean had to take a few moments of calming ourselves before continuing onward to the Cathedral

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