CH 3 - It's Windy today, isn't it?

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[ No one's PoV ]


"I can see the walls from here" (Y/N) said as he stretched his bones "that's where we are going?" Lumine asked the floating little girl as she yawned quietly "Mhm! As far as I know that place is Mondstadt!"

"I see I see... Do you think we could sell Paimon there for a high price, Lumine?"

"Why do you always bully Paimon?!"

Lumine only giggled as the male shrugged with a smug smile while Paimon angrily shouted at him "Don't worry Little Paimon. we aren't selling you, your very important for the both of us" This stopped Paimon for a second, shocked at what he said

"Hm? Paimon? What's wrong?" Lumine looked and asked her guide in confusion and worry "Paimon never knew Flag man could be nice!"

"My name isn't flag man, Fish bait!"

Lumine quickly gave out a laugh as the two of them continued to argue in front of her, after a few minutes of their argument she went and stopped the both of them while trying not to laugh

With the two of them calmed down, they slowly began their journey once again to Mondstadt not before being stopped..

"Hold it!" A voice shouted for them, rapid footsteps were being heard and soon, a red blur appeared from above.

"Identify yourselves!" The woman said as she pointed at the three "damnit, did the tax police followed me even through here...?" (Y/N) whispered to himself. It seems that Lumine seemed to have heard him as she gave out a small giggle

Shaking his head, (Y/N) quickly asked the woman in red "Shouldn't you be introducing yourself first?" The woman gave his suggestion a thought before nodding "true..."

She putted her hand in her chest and looked at them with a smile "My name is Amber, Outrider for the knights of Favonius!" She said before looking at the group "you don't look like citizens of Mondstadt, so as I said earlier Explain yourselves!"

"My name is Lumine" the girl who introduced herself bowed at the Outrider "(L/N) (Y/N), but feel free to call me (Y/N)" The boy gave a thumbs up and a smile "doesn't sound like local names... What's the deal with this floating mascot then?"

"Emergency food"

"... I never thought of Paimon as an emergency food, Your a genius Lumine!"

"Thats worse than being called as a mascot! And stop agreeing with her Flag man!"

"Anyways, there's a huge dragon that has been spotted so it's best if you get into the city fast for your safety" Amber said with a happy time "I shall escort you there after I finish my mission!"

"Ah, I take it your mission was to do a small recon in the forest?" (Y/N) asked the girl who in return, shook her head "there were reports of hilichurls spotted around here so..."

"Then we shall offer help" (Y/N) said as he made his flag materialize out in thin air "Please accept it as our thank you for the future escort to the city" Amber seemed shocked at first, before tilting her head "how am I supposed to know if you can be trusted?"

"I'm willing to give you Emergency food/Fish bait to you, with a discount of 1k"

"Why are you selling Paimon now?!"

Amber laughed "you two are best friends all right, I appreciate the help" she said as she turned around and started walking "Follow me" Receiving a nod from Lumine Amber smiled as the two of them went off to help with the task that was given to Amber, Two people were also left behind and they weren't even noticed...

Flag Of Hope ( Genshin Impact x Male Reader ) [ Stopped ]Where stories live. Discover now