CH 14 - Visits from Yuheng

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(Y/N)'s POV

"So your ancestors were a bunch of slave traders and yada yada now people hate you for it?"

Me and my new buddy Eula talked with each other as we slowly walked back to the city, a normal walk would had been boring to have so I decided to keep myself and her occupied in a conversation "...Yeah..." And judging by the sad voice she just gave me, I'm doing horribly wrong!

Uh... Would it still work? Oh wait I don't have Mana anymore... "Care for a jelly toast when we get to hunters? They say you aren't you when your hungry"



She kept silent as we walked, wow so my overused phrase won't work anymore? Time to attempt to save myself "uh... You don't need to ac-"

"Sure... I could use something to eat right now" she says as I could see a small smile on the corner of her face "It's nice to talk someone else you know?" I couldn't find anything else to say "almost no one wanted to talk with me except the knights... But you..."

"It was nice to talk to a commoner like you"

Ouch, that hurts my feelings you know "Didn't know I'd get called a commoner these days" I pouted, causing her to laugh "Ahaha, I'm very sorry about that" riiiiiight.... I highly doubt that...

As I followed Eula and entered Mondstadt, I could see people eyeing on her with some sort of disgust and something else, fear? I dunno "See?" She says, I responded with a quiet "yeah" This is just heart shattering you know?

From what I had learned so far about Eula, she is just hated here by the people because of her ancestors and their... Uh... What was it again... Slavery thingy? But why hate though? It was her ancestors that had done it, not her

"Ah! Captain! Jean-sama is looking for you!" A guard walked up to me and saluted "Hello to you as well, Eula-san!" Eula only smile and nodded "Ah, you might want to hurry Captain, It seemed like a serious discussion as even the Yuheng of Liyue is present" the guard looked at me before saluting again and walking away

What the fuck is a Yuheng? And who is the Yuheng of Liyue? "Hey Eu, know who is the 'Yuheng' of Liyue?" I ask Eula, although it took a few minutes for her to respond "Excuse me... But what do you just call me?"

"Eu, Eu, Eu, eu, Europe but Eu has no rope" I nonchalantly repeated her new nickname beside her, only managing to confuse her further "Just answer my question already, Eu" I sighed, "Well... The Yuheng of Liyue is Keqing..."


A weird title for Keqing, not going to lie "Oh, mind if we pay them a visit first before our small toast break?" I asked Eula who seemed to be saddened from my offer "Ah, it's okay. I had other business to do" she bid me farewell before walking away from me

Like, literally walked away from me! Man ain't that harsh! You hurt my feels Eu! Nothing I can do about it sadly

I sighed and walked my way towards the headquarters while thinking of what might Keqing need me for, because If it's weapons and stuff, I have to deny that...

Why do I keep forgetting that I have no more Mana? Is it because I have one Midway filled gauge? Or is it because I'm so used to rapidly regenerating Mana? This is the first time I felt so powerless...

...and then there's the weapon issue too... Since that flag required my Mana and I had no more, the crystal broke and snapped my flag into two poles. What else can I do? Im not a master when it comes to close combat or ranged, most of my fighting style required Mana

I should had practiced fighting without one...

With all of that thinking, I managed to arrive at the front door of the headquarters, with a sigh I opened the doors to the building and let my self inside, Jean's room was being guarded by Two heavily armored people... Are they the ones I gave the armor to?

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