Ch 19 - Story Teller

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[ No one's POV ]

Kurume didn't speak, she only stood still as she slowly shakes in fear "...Can i answer for her?"

"Do not interrupt my conversation, (Y/N)"

"Oh! the voice said my name instead of savior!" (Y/N) happily cheered by raising his free hand in the Air, Only to start dodging few bullets and arrows "Hey! im calling bullshit on this i haven't trained my DDR skills yet!" He screamed before bending his back to dodge a bullet that grazed his face

C r a c k

"AAAAAAGH MY BACK" (Y/N) lies down in the ground as he yelped in pain, everyone staring st him, not knowing what to do "Agh....Anyways! I have my rights to say something voice!" He shouts as he ignores the pain he was receiving

"You dont"

"Aight fair enough"


And then, silence

Everyone stared at each other, now prepared to counter any attacks, except for (Y/N) who was still, laying on the floor "Look can you guys come back at uhhh... 3PM or so??" (Y/N) asked, but was ignored "this is so bullshit man" he sighs as he slowly stood up"man if your all going to be like this, then you leave me no choice but to use my special attack!" He shouted before stabbing his flag onto the ground "I summon thee! Red Eyes black Dragon!"

Record scratch

"Roll a 20..." Kurume said as she sweatdropped while (Y/N) was excitedly shaking his hand and let go of the dice "...1, You failed to summon a dragon and died"

"This is bullshit! Rigged!" He shouted as he stood up and stomped on the ground in anger "This is like the 3rd time i got a One!" He protested, Kurume only shrugged as she lowered the manual she was reading "Milord...You said this was a game that most people liked back at your hometown..."

"Im not part of said 'people'?!?"

"Madam Kurume! The outside is safe now!" Shouted one of the rescued people, Kurume replied with a nod and stood up "Come, Milord. Everyone is waiting" Kurume reached out a hand to the crying (Y/N) who kept on slamming his hand against the ground, She sighed and quickly lifted him up and carried her to where everyone was

"Ah... Milord" Ganyu called to the crying man who was in Kurume's shoulder "...uhm... What Happened?" Kurume stared at her and gave her a sigh, Ganyu immediately nodded "I see, please give him to me" Kurume obliged and settled Him down for Ganyu to pick him up...

Or so she thought, But Ganyu ended up dragging Him with ease as he threw a tantrum.

Kurume stared at the group of people the two were able to rescue. Even if it was few, she was still happy that some are still alive and are now at a decent shape, Those who didn't were given proper burial in the snow...

She shakes her head and looked back in the snow, (Y/N)'s Storytelling was too strong that she began worrying if she'll encounter the leader of the 'Knights of Favonius' and have to suffer a bad fate... But as long (Y/N) is present then that means she and her crew could last...

... How long does she needs to suffer? If it was forever, then at least leave everyone alone...

"Gwahd! Gwauhyujkn! Strwkaph?!?"  Kurume's focus was shattered as she heard (Y/N) flail and shout from The distance, Ganyu only looked at him with a smile "No"

Kurume giggled to herself before following everyone, If only times like this happens, then she wouldn't have to worry about bad things that might happen later.... Right?

Flag Of Hope ( Genshin Impact x Male Reader ) [ Stopped ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum