Chapter 1

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"Whats wrong now!? Ah wait. I know." Spoke a man on a dark room.

Atta Greiia, a young man on his mid 20s that worked at a convenience store.

And right now he was doing one of his favorite hobbies; progaming!

From his first contact with programming, Atta loved it. It was exciting, it was challenging, and after done, it was satifying to see work.

He even tried a career in it. But although Atta excceded in lone work, he absolutely sucked in team working, the most important factor for a professional programmer.

He clearly was not able to graduate, and started working on a convenience store to earn his living.

Bur, he still havent given up on programming quite yet.

And thats when a new game launched.

"World Creation; Sandbox"

The game immediatelly exploded, and not only to the avarage audience. The modding, hacking and cracking comunities ganged up on this gane, quikly turning a simplist worldbox game about medieval villages and kingdoms upside down. Kaijus, gods, myths, sci-fi, steam punk. The game's universe grew boundlessly.

# Atta obviously didnt miss this chance and boarded the modding ship.

Online world mod, Custom entity mod, sprite creator mod, and his own Magic mod, that included numerous, simple and complex, combinations of magic circles.

The mod even had an AI that allowed the mobs on the world build their own magic circles according to their needs.

In short, Atta was very aknoledged on WCS comunity.

He even got a fancy little nickname; "His Majesty of Olives", because on his main modding page there was ink drawn olives as decorations.

"Lastest Update received. Initiating Download."

"Yes i did it!" Atta cheered cracking his knuckles.

A blue bar appeared on the screen of his computer with a porcentage saying 85%.

The porcentage continued to go up util it reached 100% and disappeared.

On the back ground the light image of a girl with dark blue hair and eyes, wearing a white and folden dress with a saphire tiara on her head.

"Update Finished••••• Oh, hello your majesty!"

Atta smiled.

"Hello Noelin. How are you going?"

That on the screen as Atta's greatest creation. His own Log Reading AI with Its newly added custom voice.

This bot served to tell his whatever happened on his game while he was online and offline. It had many options, from tones of wich to describe each event, sadness, diagust, happyness excitement embarassment, to levels of priority, mudane, simple, interesting, important, treatening and unnexcusable.

Not to mention its defined area of action options, and individual and multiple areas of action. If there was any interesting mob that you found, but tou cant pay attention to it because you're trying to stop an ancient dragon from destroying the demon race? Ask the AI! It will prevent the mob from dying in any way.

But if in the occasion you're doing the opposite, let the AI handle the ancient dragon while your train and pamper you little mortal mob, it can do it!

"I am in perfect functioning conditions. Your CPU is only 40% hotter than the ambient temperature, you have no heavy programs open in the moment and your internet connection is pretty good... Do you want some pizza?" Noelin asked jokingly.

My Sandbox God Summoned Me To The Game. What do i do?Where stories live. Discover now