Beach Day - Chapter Twenty•Seven

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Another minute or two went by and I still hadn't moved. I hadn't even been paying attention to Matteo until I heard the sounds of him moving towards me in the water.

By the time I looked up to see him already within a foot of me, I didn't have time to react before he lunged forward and grabbed me. He wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms instinctively locked around his neck.

"Matteo I swear to god I will hurt you if you make me go any deeper into this water." Because of our height difference I wasn't even in the water anymore since he was holding me.

"I would love to see you try to hurt me Angel." He laughed and then turned so my back was facing the whole of the ocean.

He started taking steps further into the water. I latched onto him tighter to try and keep any warmth he had for myself.


"Okay, maybe I was being a bit over dramatic." I finally admitted.

We had been in the water for about fifteen minutes now and I was used to the temperature so it didn't seem as cold anymore.

Matteo walking in until even our shoulders were under the surface and not letting me leave certainly didn't help.

I was still sitting in his arms as well. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to touch here and he could stand up perfectly fine.

He can deal with holding me since he's the one who wanted to come out this far.

"I told you that you would get used to it." One thing I absolutely hate is admitting other people were right, so I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of those exact words.

I had been staring out at the rest of the ocean until Matteo's hand left the back of my thigh and came out of the water to cup my face. He turned my head so I was looking back at him again.

I watched as his eyes scanned across every feature on my face. "Fuck, you're beautiful." He whispered almost like it was only meant for him to hear.

I smiled at the compliment and closed my eyes before I leaned my head forward until our foreheads made contact with each other's. We both rested there for a moment.

I wanted him to make the slightest movement so our lips would connect, but I knew he wouldn't. We always played the game to see who would break first, but right now I didn't want to play that game.

So I broke.

I moved my hand to hold the side of his face so I could lift his chin ever so slightly. I closed the gap between us and pushed my lips onto his. Our lips molded together like puzzle pieces, like they were made just for each other. We moved in sync, only breaking away when we needed to take a breath.

For those moments of our lips being pressed together, nothing else in the world mattered. Not anyone else on the beach. Not having to go back to New York. Not even the ocean we were in mattered.

We finally managed to pull our lips apart, but it was the only part of our bodies the separated. We stayed wrapped in each others arms with our foreheads resting against each others.

It stayed silent for a minute or two. Neither of us even bothered to open our eyes. Just being in the presence of one another like this was enough for the both of us.

That was until Matteo said something that made my eyes go wide open.

"Be mine Davina."

My eyes met with his as I pulled back just enough to be able to see his whole face. I studied his every feature to make sure he was being a hundred percent serious with me.

Even though he looked so genuine, part of me was still questioning it. Maybe it was because I was in disbelief that he actually said those words. "You want me to be yours?"

Without any hesitation after my question he was giving me a reply. "Yes, Angel. I have never let anyone get close to me, but you came in and I couldn't even try to stop you if I wanted to. If it was any other women in the world in that warehouse, I wouldn't have done anything. But it was you, and it drove me crazy that you weren't by my side and that i didn't know if you were okay or not."

I was the verge of having to hold back tears. I knew me being gone had affected him, but he hasn't expressed it this deeply.

"You being gone made me realize everything that I feel towards you. It made me realize that I would do everything in my power for as long as I'm alive to protect you. So please, say that you'll be mine." Matteo was almost begging.

But he never had to beg for me. "I'm all yours Matteo."

Once again our lips connected, but this time the kiss was much more passionate. It was like every emotion we had been hiding or holding back was now all on the surface.

Eventually the kiss got to a point where we both knew what we wanted to happen next, but I wasn't going to let Matteo fuck me in the waters of a public beach.

"Matteo." I was almost out of breath so my voice was short and quiet.

He had moved down to start kissing lightly on my neck, so his response was just a slight "Hmm?"

I gently tugged on the wet hairs the were on the back of his neck to make him come off my neck and look at me. "Let's go back to the house."

The pleading look I gave him told him everything that I didn't say.

"Let's go then Angel."

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