I don't know what happened after, but I think I feel asleep.

I burst into tears, when I remembered it all all over again. I'm so coward.

I don't deserve Aurora at all, she deserves more than anything.

I took a breath in and out, finding myself looking in space. Thinking about being brave.

I sighed.

The ocean waved my boat far away, and there's a big wave coming on my way. I don't what to do.

As I panic...

The wave hit me like a wall.

I saw darkness.


I coughed while catching my breath.

I looked where I am right now, there's a woman right beside me.

Looking at me, but only with hatred?!

This woman don't like me at all, I can tell.

She wore some indigenous clothing, she has a curly long black her, emerald eyes looking at me intensely. 

WAIT?! Am I describing her or checking her out? This is so embarrassing for a man like me.

She stood up and walking away from me, I immediately stood up as well and followed her.

"Thank you!"

She's walking ahead not minding my word, I narrowed my eyes on her back.

"Where I am?" I asked hoping she'll answer.

She stopped on her tracks, she has a birth mark on her right shoulder 'till on her arm side.

I'm amaged at the perfection.

WAIT?! Damn, crazy me...

She looked at me, "who are you? And why are you here?"

I dropped my shoulder.


I panicked, she patted my shoulder and showed me my bag. I sighed in relief.

I was about to get it, but she pulled it away from me.

I stared at her in confusion.

"Come with me"

No choice but to nod my head.

We past at the water fall, I gazed my eyes on it. Amazed at the wonderful nature.

This place were full of trees, plants, and animals.

Few steps from me were some houses, they were like some provinces house. I don't know what to call it.

She stopped on front of me, "I'm Matilda" she introduced herself.

"I'm Zachary Emmanuel, Zach for short" I smiled showing my Dimple on both sides of my cheek.

She smiled.

But I wonder, why her smile feels like... fake?!

I followed her walking out of nowhere, people were looking at us. So many of them were woman, just a few of men.

She went inside, I hesitantly followed.

She raised her eyebrow at me, I mumbled 'sorry'.

She stopped me when I'm about to walk away, "stay" she ordered.

She sat on a chair like a throne, I stood there on the middle.

We just looked at each other, I don't know what to say.

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