Anna: It's nothing sweetie, I'm ok.

Connor walked inside and sit beside her.

Connor: Anna, I know something is wrong...please tell me.

Anna was quiet. Connor got closer and hug her, making her jolt before hugging back.

Anna: I--

There was then a loud pounding at tbe door, like a hammer hitting a nail. Looking at Anna, Connor saw that she was terrified.

Connor looks at her before holding her tighter.

Connor: It's ok, I'm here...your not alone.

She stared at him before smiling, but the smile didn't last due to the door being busted down.

Anna got up and rush to the door before turning to Connor.

Anna: Connor, stay here.

Connor stayed silent before she left. Connor for up and follow her, not wanting to wait if Anna could be at risk.

Getting to the stairs, Connor saw a large man who looked to be a body builder with a scary look, yelling at Anna.

Man: You fucking whore! I told you to call and answer the door!

Anna: Please, Bill, I'm sorry, I was busy!

Man: Busy what? Doing your job, sucking and fucking everyone you meet, you fucking whore!?

Anna looks down with tears. As Connor watch, he felt what he did before, seeing Aphmau scared.

Before Connor could think, he was already at the bottom of the stairs, staring at the man.

Man: Huh? Who the fuck is this?

Anna: Connor! Don't! Get out of here!

Connor doesn't. The man growls and turns to Connor, making Anna grab his arm.

Anna: No! Don't hurt him!

The man hits Anna, making her fall.

Man: Don't fucking touch me whore!

He walked to her and grab Anna's shirt, tearing it off and arms with her bra, revealing her breasts.

Anna: Ah!

She screams as she ties to hide her breasts when the man grabs her, making her fall and he began undoing his belt.

Man: You've always been a whore! So I'm gonna show this kid!

Anna: NO!!!!

The moment Connor heard that yell, a flash came into Connor's mind, making him see something he couldn't tell what was happening hut he felt as if he seen it in that situation.

A faint image of a girl being raped in front of him as she screams echo's Connor's ears until Connor lunge at the man who raped her right as everyone went black, but the moment Connor could see, he saw that the man who attempted to assault Anna was below him, almost dead with his face stained with blood and a eye ball popped out.

Looking down at his hands, Connor saw his hands were stained with man's blood.

Connor turns to Anna, seeing her covering herself with bits of blood on her, looking at Connor in shock.

Connor: Anna...I'm...

Tears went down his eyes as he runs off, leaving the house.

Anna: Connor!

Connor was sitting by a tree, crying his eyes out, his hands still stained with the man's blood.

Connor: Damn it...Anna...she's gonna hate me...she...she...

Connor looks down before growling, swinging a punch and hit the tree and made a long, deep crack.

Connor looks at the tree, seeing the wood chipped a bit with a cracked across it.

Connor looks at it before sighing.

Anna: Connor!

Turning, Connor saw Anna in her coat, running to him. Connor falls to his knees, holding himself, scared.

Connor: I-Im so sorry! Don't hurt me!

Anna hugs Connor, making him look shocked.

Anna: Shh, shh, baby it's Ok...I'm here.

Connor: Y-Your not mad?

Anna: No.

Connors bloodstained hands wrap around Anna's body, hugging her and stain her coat with blood.

Connor began crying, feeling relief that she wasn't gonna leave him and not mad at him. After a bit, the two went home, calling the police snd explain the situation but left out Connor beating him and said Anna did it, attempting to protect Connor.

After taking the man away and the two got clean from blood, Connor slept with Anna, not wanting to be alone.

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