Extra: Umbrige Pranks

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Synopsis: Ideas I came up with, some that I used and others that I didn't for ways they could prank Umbrige during Order of the Phoenix

1. Eyes: Putting googly eyes on everything and charming them to look real (Luna's idea)

2. Sticky Note: Covering her office in sticky notes( Harry's Idea)

3. Balloons & Glitter: Filling her chambers with balloons and some of the have glitter in them (Hermione's idea)

4. Song that Never Ends: Charming and record player to follow her around playing music(Lamb chop song that never ends) every time she tries to turn it off the song just get louder and faster (Ginny's idea)

5. Cheese Juice: Replacing her orange juice with water and cheese powder at breakfast (Ron's idea)

 Cheese Juice: Replacing her orange juice with water and cheese powder at breakfast (Ron's idea)

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6. Wrap it up: Wrapping her office and her classroom in wrapping paper (Effy's idea)

 Wrap it up: Wrapping her office and her classroom in wrapping paper (Effy's idea)

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7. Salty cookies: Cookies made with salt instead of sugar, left anonymously in her desk (Draco's idea)

8. Lemon Juice: Replace her tea kettle water with lemon juice (Neville's idea)

9. Jello: Put her desk supplies and her wand in jello (Seamus's idea)

10. Plastic wrap: putting plastic wrap over the doorway of Umbrige's office and classroom (Daphne's idea)

11. Fake bug prank: Fill her office with fake bugs, like put them absolutely everywhere and charm some of them to move around (Lavender's idea)

12. Pixie Problem: Effy bargains with a group of Cornish pixies and asks them if they'll fly around the castle bothering Umbrige and her supporters ( George's idea)

13. For sale: putting for sale stickers all over the castle just because (Theo's idea)

14. Skip day: fake educational decree that says classes are canceled on Fridays so no one shows up to class (Angelina's Idea)

15. Ping Pong: filling her desk drawers with ping pong balls for a whole week(Katie's idea)

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