52. Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons

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November 30th, 2014

November 30th, 2014

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"...Q,R,S,T,U, V, X, Y, and Z!" Teddy sang over the phone as I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"That was brilliant sweetheart!" I cheered with a smile and he laughed.

"Thank you. It took me two whole weeks to remember all the letters. But daddy says I'm getting really good with my reading too." He explained talking about Remus.

"That's wonderful, I'm so happy for yo-"

"Did you know, Evie said her first word?!" He asked changing the subject quickly as he had a very short attention span.

"Did she? What was it?" I asked matching his excitement even though he'd already told me yesterday.

"It was my name! Well kind of my name, she said Eddy but papa says that's how she says Teddy." He explained just as he had yesterday an I smiled.

"Teddy! It's time for breakfast love!" Sirius called from the background and he cheered.

"Papa says it's time for breakfast an it's Chocolate chip pancake day. Gotta go!" Teddy cheered an I heard his muffled footsteps meaning he probably put the phone in his pocket so he could run down the stairs.

"Here ya go." Teddy mumbled probably to Sirius since it was his phone.


"Good morning Siri, how goes it?" I asked with a laugh.

"It goes wonderfully. How goes things at Hogwarts? Skeeter still bothering you?" He asked an I sighed.

"For the most part. But at least she hasn't published anything yet. I'm hoping it stays that way but who can be sure with her." I replied waving to a few third year Hufflepuffs who had greeted me when I passed them.

"I wish there was something I could say to lift your spirits." He sighed an I smiled.

"It's truly not all bad, I mean I've still got my friends and you guys. If anything the muggle news is worse but the Avengers PR team is trying to contain that."

"You guys have a PR team?" Sirius asked shocked an I laughed as I'd had a similar reaction when I heard about it.

"That's the same reaction I had. But apparently we need them to help our image. It makes sense though, we're a team of potentially dangerous people so the general public needs to see us as the good guys." I said with a shrug and he hummed in response.

"Well that's one way of looking at it. But I'll let you get to breakfast because I'm positive you haven't eaten yet."

"Alright, tell Remus and Evie I said hello." I mumbled walking down the grand staircase as he responded.

"I will, have a good day."

"Bye Siri." I said before hanging up. I was just about to go inside when I was stopped by Viktor.

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