Persefoni's Powers

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Powers will be revealed over time, also if you've ever seen Black Lightning or you know about Black lightning Persefoni and Jennifer Pierce aka Lightning are pretty much the same but Persefoni has a few more powers.

Most if not all of the gifs for her powers are from Black Lightning


•Light Manipulation: The power to manipulate light. The user can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.
Also Called:
-Light/Photon Arts
-Light Element Control
-Lumen (The Lorien Legacies)
-Haos (Bakugan)
-Photon Manipulation
-Visible Light Manipulation
-Visible Radiation Manipulation


•Electricity Manipulation:
The user can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), and electronics. One could eventually grow to manipulate the weather and create thunderstorms.
Also Called:
-Blue Electricity/Lightning Manipulation
-Electricity Control
-Electricity/Electric/Electrical/Lightning Arts
-Electric Current Manipulation
-Electric Charge Manipulation
-Electrical Energy Manipulation
-Lightning Bending/Generation/Control/Manipulation
-Lightning Element Control
-Thunderlight Manipulation
-Lighting Release/Raiton


•Electricity Generation:
The user can generate electricity, the energy emitted from charged particles. Users can become creative and use it in various methods.
Also Called:
-Electric Discharge/Production
-Electrical/Electrostatic -Energy Generation
-Lightning Barrage/Burst/Creation/Generation/Production/Projection


•Electric Blast:
The user can release electricity over a specific target area causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
Also called:
-Electrical/Electricity/Lightning Blast/Laser


•Electrical Telekinesis:
The user can manipulate matter by using electricity/electromagnetism. Sub-power of Electricity Manipulation and Electromagnetism Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Telekinesis and Ergo-Telekinesis.
Also Called:
-Electromagnetic Telekinesis


•Electrical Transportation:
User can transport themselves by electricity, by lightning or electronics. This is achieved by either riding the flow of electrons or becoming electricity itself for travel. If the user is strong enough and/or skilled enough in this art of transportation, then they can also transport by the electrons in the air, static discharges and electrical components. User can make lightning strike themselves to transport their own molecules from one point to another.
Also Called:
-Lightning Teleportation/Travel
-Lightning Bolt Travel
-Riding Lightning


Users can cause oneself/subjects/objects to hover/float in the air unassisted, allowing the user to seamlessly float in the air and prevent their bodies from making contact with the ground below. Sub-power of Flight.
Also Called:
-Anti-Gravity Effect
-Gravity Immunity
-Ground Repulsion


•Tactile Telepathy:
The user can utilize telepathic abilities through tactile interactions, allowing them to manipulate anyone's mental cognitive systems through contact. Users can also apply this ability to themselves, acting as a personalized version of telepathy. By modifying their cognitive functions as software, users can shift their neural oscillations (brainwaves) to reach a state of relaxation or focus. Allow specific patterns of thought, induce self-subliminal messaging/hypnosis. Users can manipulate their consciousness to gain inner psionic might by unlocking regions of their cerebellum and creating psychic shells. By tactile interactions, users can manipulate the thoughts, emotions, behavior of anyone, regardless of their microorganism or multi-complex humanoid. Users can utilize powerful psionic force to affect beyond the mind, affecting their body, mind, and soul in a contained operation
Also Called:
-Contact/ Haptic / Palpable / Tactual / Touch Telepathy
-Personal Telepathy
-Self-Applied Mental Interaction/Manipulation
-Telepathic Touch


•Biological Manipulation:
Users can manipulate life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. They can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce and cure diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity. Sub-power of Matter Manipulation. Physical version of Life Manipulation.
Also Called:
-Biology Manipulation
-Biota Manipulation
-Cellular Control/Manipulation
-Organic Life Manipulation


•Memory Projection
The user is able to project the memories of oneself and others, either directly into the minds and senses of others, as holographic images, or display them on surfaces such as screens as well as inside reflections.
Also Called:
-Holographic Memory
-Memory Hologram
-Memories are shown as the target remembers them, so they may not be truthful.
-May be vulnerable to Memory Suppression.
-Weak against Memory Erasure and Memory Absorption.


Users can render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in visible spectrum. The user can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. Some users can choose to let certain people see them, while staying invisible to others. The power to render oneself unable to be seen. Not to be confused with Camouflage.
Also Called:
-Disappearance/Disappearing Effect/Disappearing
-Fading Effect/Fading
-Novis (Lorien Legacies)
-Vanishing Effect/Vanishing

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