Chapter Three

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It was currently lunchtime, so I made my way to the cafeteria. As I got closer, the scent of food was evident and made my stomach rumble with hunger. As I entered the cafeteria, there was noise and chaos heard across the room. Students were lined up waiting for their turn to get food while others were already at their tables chatting with their friends.

I joined the back of the line waiting for my turn to get lunch. After a few minutes, the line moved forward as I grabbed my plate filled with a variety of foods. Before I could reach a table, one of Grace's friends "accidentally" bumped into me causing my plate to fall to the ground. Although I stepped back in time, my clothes had gotten dirty due to the splashing of my drink.

"Can't you see where you're going? Look at what you did!" Grace's friend, Diana, screamed while looking at me with disgust. She started acting like the victim and put a fake look on her face when people in the cafeteria began to turn their attention to us.

"I didn't do anything. You're the one who should be careful and watch where you're going," I fired back. By now, there was an audience listening and watching our dispute interested in what had happened.

"I didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident," she said as she began making me seem like I was wrong here. Whispers abrupted within the audience as students began to discuss who started the fight.

"You know it wasn't, but I won't waste any more time with you," I stated while picking up my plate off the ground when I suddenly felt a kick on the side of my stomach. I lost my balance as I harshly fell to the ground while Diana stood with a satisfied smirk. She turned around to leave when sudden anger arose within me. I grabbed her ankle causing her to fall as well and stood up as I looked at her again, "Don't think I won't do anything when you mess with me. Next time think before you start something you can't finish."

Before I was able to turn completely to leave, Diana grabbed my bracelet and ripped it off my wrist. My bracelet. The one my parents gave me for my last birthday before they died. I was now enraged and approached her slowly as she remained on the floor. Without thinking, I grabbed the collar of her shirt as I took my bracelet out of her hand and with a threatening voice warned her, "Let this be the last time you do this. If you do this again, I'll make sure you regret even approaching me."

I released her and turned to leave as I saw the shock on people's faces. At the moment, I didn't care what they thought, so I continued walking through the cafeteria entrance. There I saw Nathan looking at me intensely. I didn't know what to say and left to grab my things from my locker.

After gathering my things, I closed my locker and left through the library's back exit. I started to walk before I heard someone say, "Alejandra." That voice, it had to be Nathan's. I didn't want to know what he thought after seeing what happened in the cafeteria, yet I stood there waiting. Wanting to avoid seeing him in the eye, I looked down at my shaking hands still shaken from my anger. Nathan slowly approached me and then grabbed my hands causing them to stop shaking. He stayed silent as we stood there without moving.

"I-I don't know what h-happened to me. When she took i-it, I felt this anger and couldn't s-stop it," I stuttered. Nathan wrapped his arms around me and warmth immediately engulfed me.

"Shhh. I know. It's going to be okay," he whispered.

I felt comfortable in his arms then I realized I barely met him yet here I was in his arms. Coming back to my senses, I slowly pushed him away and apologized, "Sorry for putting this on you. We don't even know each other and here I am troubling you."

He frowned at first when I pulled away. After a few seconds, he understood what I said and then rubbed his neck as he replied, "No, I'm sorry for hugging you without your permission. If you need to talk to someone, know that I will be here."

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