12- The Letter

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The Letter

"My lonely place is everywhere you aren't"  
                                              - Perry poetry

"My lonely place is everywhere you aren't"                                                 - Perry poetry

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Kingsley's POV

"Kins? What's going on? I had to use my key" mom called out downstairs, I heard her shuffling in with her bags but I couldn't respond
The letter had sat on my desk for the past half an hour as I tried to calm myself down.

Should I read it?
Should I call Kade? After I stormed out on him
After he lied to me?
Shall I read it before telling him?
And what does A and H stand for?

Who the fuck is Mr Petrov?

I sighed, reaching for my phone
I need to ring him
He knows what's going on. He must do
Two people broke into my house just to warn me off him?

I rang him, waiting anxiously for him to pick up
"Kins, finally please just let me explain" he said
"I need you to come round, now" I said
"Okay, sure, I'll be over soon" he said, I could hear keys moving down the line
"Please be quick" I said

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, the sound of a door shutting accompanying his words
"I... just get here please, then we can talk" I said
"Talk?" He asked
I left it at that, and hung up

I couldn't very well say I had been threatened down the phone
They knew my name, my address, they knew how to get into my bloody house.

"Kins, you here?" Mom called out, before she appeared in the doorway
"Yeah, sorry, I was distracted" I said
"Okay" she said
"When's dad home?" I asked
"He's been asked to stay late tonight, big case on, why?" She asked curiously.

"I need a favour" I said
"What?" She asked, eyeing me
"I might have invited Kade round" I said hesitantly
She crossed her arms, giving me a look
I hadn't even thought about what they'd say when I told him to come here

I was just too freaked out over this letter
"Lee you know I can-"
"Please, it's only for a while, dad doesn't have to know" I said
"Of course he has to know" she said
"Not necessarily, he won't be here very long and... and we'll I'm not sure we're even... a thing anymore" I said.

She sat down next to, as I shuffled the letter behind me on the bed
"You two have a fight?" She asked
I shook my head
It wasn't really a fight
More of a... clash
"Is it because of dad?" She asked

"It's just... complicated" I said
She nodded
"Teenage love always is" she said
"Yeah, so please just... don't mention it to dad" I asked
She thought for a moment, before finally nodding.

"Fine, but no more than an hour, and you better hope he's working late enough for Kade to leave" she said, before standing up to leave
I nodded
"And no closed doors" she said, walking away.

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