11- A and H

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A and H

"You are an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature"

"You are an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature"

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Kingsley's POV

I'd been looking over my shoulder all day
Who would send me a text like that?
Who would try and scare me like that?

"Hey Kins" Tommy smiled as he passed me in the hall
"Hey, have you heard from Kade at all today?" I asked
He shook his head, stopping beside my locker
"He's... sick today" he said simply.

"He's sick? I thought he was busy with his family?" I asked slightly worried
He was sick?
"Oh, uh- he just... told me he was sick" he shrugged, before leaving.

I pulled my phone out again, sending him another text to check if he was okay.
Maybe I should take him some food or something. Anything to help him get better
But on the other hand he hadn't replied to any of my messages. So maybe he wanted to be left alone.

"Ready?" Alex asked, coming up behind me, making me nearly jump out of my skin
"Yeah, yeah I'm ready" I said, closing my locker
"Why are you so jittery today?" She chuckled
"I just, sorry I just feel a bit... on edge today I guess" I brushed off, walking along side her.

Kade's POV

"Thanks son" dad said, sitting down in his office chair with a sigh
"It's alright dad, he spoke in the end didn't he?" I shrugged, wiping the blood off my knuckles.

"Well... it's already 1, there's not much point in you going in today" dad said, I wasn't paying much attention though, I was looking through my messages
It was the first chance I had to look at my phone all day.

- Morning, the walk was a little weird this morning, I miss getting a ride with you

- Saw Tommy earlier, he said you were sick? I hope you're alright

- I was thinking maybe I could bring you something to help you feel better, no worries if you're busy

God she's so perfect.
Why did Tommy tell her I was sick though?
Fuck sake.
Now I'd have to lie to her even more.

"Are you even listening?" Dad said, cutting me out of my thoughts
"What?" I asked
He sighed
"What's so important on your phone that you're ignoring business?" He asked.

I quickly finished my reply to Kins, putting my phone back in my pocket
"Nothing" I dismissed.
"Don't lie to me son, I know that face. It's the face I had when I first met your mom" he said.

I sighed
"What were you saying?" I asked, trying to sway the conversation
"Who is she?" He asked
"No one" I said. What a lie. She was everything

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