FOUR: Don't Just Stand There Looking Pretty

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As Daryl's bare feet patted along the hardwood floor on his way to the kitchen, a yawn escaped his mouth as he scratched his head. He couldn't believe he'd slept so late, he was usually the first one up, ready and gone by the time you opened your eyes. It usually made you sad he wasn't there when you awoke, but he was out hunting and providing so you wouldn't complain.

However, today things were different, it was late and Daryl was the one to wake up to an empty bed, most likely because he hadn't gotten home till late last night. Daryl was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes.

A small smile took over the mans face as he took in the sight of you. You hadn't seen him yet, and you were happily humming to yourself and dancing a little as you flipped the meat in the pan, drowned in the fabric of one of Daryls shirts.

He moved, leaning against the wall, you say the flash of movement in your peripheral vision causing you to finally freeze noticing someone was watching, Daryl was watching. Your cheeks tinted pink from the attention, because no matter how many time you'd caught Daryl staring the effect he had on you never seemed to waver.

"That's creepy just standing there all stalker-ish you know?" You asked rhetorically shaking your head.

"Yeah well, stop stealin' my clothes an' I'll stop starin'." the man replied with fake annoyance.

"Not gonna happen," You told him, "They're more comfortable than mine."

"Then I ain't gonna stop." He said simply.

"Fine." You said while flipping a pancake, when your eyes turned back to the man beside you his eyes were still focused on you, just like he said they'd be. "Well don't just stand there looking pretty Robin Hood, go set the table."

And with a roll of his eyes at the nickname and a new found blush on the man's cheeks from the compliment, he went and did as he was told, off to set the table for breakfast.



Let me know if you guys have and one liner requests like for this one it was 'Don't just stand there looking pretty' so if you guys have any ideas like that feel free to comment them and I'll come up with something for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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