The First Dance Class and Calling Hades

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Ellie's POV:
When I woke up the next day, I was still in Alex's bed but he wasn't next to me anymore. I looked around the room and found him sat at his desk doing paperwork.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked him.

He spun round to face me, "It's only 8:30. You have plenty of time before your only lesson today don't worry."

"Okay, okay. No need to be so sarcastic." I smiled.

"Sorry. I do have some good news though." He smiled back.

"Ooh, go on." He came over and sat next to me o. his bed.

"It's a surprise but meet me in the studio in a costume." He kissed my head then left, I'm assuming to go to the dance studio. I groaned and got out of bed. I brought my clothes and makeup from my room using my magic and got ready.

When I finished getting ready, I rushed to the dance studio where I was greeted with a group of people.

"What did you need me fo...?" I trailed off when I finally noticed the group of people. All the attention was now on me and most of the people were staring at me in awe. I don't know what they were awed by.

"Hey, Ellie. Surprise!" Alex exclaimed. "We got approval for the dance teams and competitions. These are our dancers."

My face lit up, "Seriously?! Wait, please tell me you're not joking right now."

"No. I'm not joking." Alex chuckled.

I ran over and leapt into his arms. Luckily he saw it coming so he was ready for it.

He held me for a bit before he put me down

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He held me for a bit before he put me down. That's when I remembered that we weren't alone and there was a massive group of people there. Whoops.

"Anyway, I was thinking that you could show them a solo, maybe. Then we'll show them a duet?" Alex asked.

I looked back at the group and their eager faces and sighed, "Okay. That sounds good." They all cheered, including Alex. I smiled and got into position as everyone moved out of the way so I had space to dance.

Everyone applauded me when I'd finished. I smiled and went over to Alex, "Come on then, time for our duet." He walked to the middle of the floor with me and we got into our positions. We've practiced this one a bit more so it's better than my solo.

Not one person wasn't clapping after that. It was quite a good dance though so Im not surprised. We went through what everyone could do and Iw as quite surprised. They were all pretty good to say that they haven't done much dance yet. Even the younger kids were good. There were even some kids around 5-10 that must've come here especially for this class.

We did a warmup, it wasn't as hard as it will be as they're only just getting used to us but next time the warmup and stretches will be harder, we did some tumbling for those who could tumble, we did some technique work and then made a dance. It obviously wasn't perfect but there were there groups to help. Group 1 was ages 5-8, group 2 was ages 9-14 and group 3 was ages 15-18.

Group 3 was a lot easier to teach because they were better at dancing than the younger ones and could actually choreograph a dance by themselves. They needed a bit of help but for the most of it, they were able to do it themselves. I taught group 1 and Alex taught group 2.

After dance class, Alex pulled me to the side before I could leave to get changed. "Hey, you're supposed to have Remedial Goodness next, right?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Why?"

"Uhm, you don't need to get changed. Come with me." He pulled me to his office.

"Alexxxx." I whined. "At least let me change my shoes. I'm in pointe shoes. They're making so much noise."

"No." He didn't give in. "We're nearly late, come on." He went over to the TV and turned it on. What I saw made me tear up. It was my dad.

"Dad?" I gasped.

"Hey sweetie." I gasped again and let a tear roll down my cheek. Alex came over to me and hugged me from behind. He kissed me on the cheek. "You got anything you want to tell me, princess?"

"Oh, yeah. Dad, meet Alex, my boyfriend. Alex, this is my dad, Hades." I introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you, Hades." Alex said.

"It's nice to meet you too, Prince Alex." Dad greeted him.

"When can I come and see you?" I asked dad.

"Ask Alex. I'm sure he'll know." Dad replied. I looked up at Alex.

"I'm sure we can arrange something for after the coronation." I smiled widely at him as a way of saying thank you. Dad and I caught up for a while. It was about 20 minutes later when he realise what I was wearing.

"Hey, Elle, what are you wearing?" Dad asked.

"It's my dance outfit." When I told him that, his face lit up. "Alex arranged dance teams in the different schools and places in Auradon so we can have competitions." His face lit up even more after hearing that.

"I'm so proud of you." I teared up hearing him say that. "I just wish I could be there to see it."

Alex looked back up at us both at that, "About that..."

"What?" My head shot up to look at him.

"I think, after the coronation, I might be able to persuade my parents to allow you some visits. And I don't mean you going to see Hades, I mean Hades coming to see you." Alex explained. I stood there shocked for a while but eventually I jumped onto Alex, who saw it coming and caught me, and kissed all over his face, repeatedly.

When I pulled away from him, I remembered that Dad was still on call and turned to face the screen. He was sat watching us with a soft smile on his face.

"You keep her safe for me, Prince Alex." Dad told Alex.

"Of course, Hades. And please, just call me Alex. No formalities needed, if anything, you're the God. I should be kissing your feet." Alex joked.

"Well, Alex, I am extremely glad you aren't able to do that." Dad laughed. I smiled at the sight of the two of them getting along.

"I'm sorry to end this now, but you do have to wrap this up, El. It's nearly lunch time." I smiled and said goodbye to dad.

"Thank you so much." I smiled softly at Alex when we ended the call with dad.

"It's no problem. The others had a call today as well but I just thought you'd appreciate it to have some alone-ish time with your dad." I hugged him, another way of me telling him I appreciated it.

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