Ellie's Date

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Ellie's POV:
When I found them, they were in their dorm room with Jane so I decided not to tell them. One, because Jane was with them, and two, the fact that Jane was there meant that they were still going through with their plan to help their parents destroy Auradon. I tuned back into the conversation, to hear something that proved my suspicions of them wanting the wand.

"Mum said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it.' Can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane told Mal.

"Auradon." Mal scoffed. Even though I agreed with Fairy Godmother entirely on this, I had to act like I agreed with Mal so I just nodded.

"Mal, Ellie, you like?" Evie asked us, holding up her latest sewing project.

Hardly even looking up from her drawing, Mal replied, "Yeah, it's cute. Brings out your eyes."

Seen as Evie didn't look happy with the answer, I added, "It looks gorgeous, E. You'll look great in it. Do you think you could make me something for family day, possibly?"

"Of course, El. I'll get started on it right after I finish this." I nodded and smiled at her in thanks.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane complained, throwing herself onto Evie's bed.

"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal stated. I stayed quite through all of this, really hoping for an excuse to leave. Almost as soon as I thought that, my phone went off, with a message from Alex.

'Alex'  'Ellie'

Hey. How are you? x

I'm good, how are you? x

Good. How would you feel about going on that date now? x

Perfect. You have just saved my sanity. Mal and Evie are annoying me so much. Give me 15 minutes to get changed and I'll meet you at the front of school x

Okay, see you soon x

Bye x

I smiled, made an excuse to leave and rushed to my dorm. I took about 5 minutes trying to find an outfit before finding the perfect one, then another 5 doing my makeup and hair, which gave me 5 minutes to get to the front of school.

I smiled when I saw Alex standing there waiting for me. He was dressed in a nice white shirt, blue ripped jeans and white trainers. All together, something I never thought I would see a prince in.

 All together, something I never thought I would see a prince in

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He finally noticed me when I started walking towards him. He looked at my outfit and smiled. When I finally reached him, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"You look gorgeous, Ellie." He whispered in my ear.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I replied when I pulled away from him and smirked. It didn't really work though, seen as I had to look up at him.

Hades & Queen Elsa's daughterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt