Remedial Goodness 101

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Ellie's POV:
When I woke up, I decided to change my hair using the powers I inherited off my dad. I changed the colour to black at the top, leading into a dark blue and finally, ending up in a light blue at the end. I quickly got changed, did my makeup and added all my jewelry before heading off to my first class. Remedial Goodness 101. Seriously!!! Like I need this class. Honestly, I'm the only good VK!! Ugh!

Anyway, I headed to the class and sat beside Evie. Her and Carlos are probably going to be the quickest to change their minds about their plan. Fairy Godmother came in, and started the class.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you:
A) Curse it
B) Lock it in a tower
C) Give it a bottle
D) Carve out it's heart"

Evies hand went straight up, and I feared for everyone at this point.

"Evie." Fairy Godmother called on Evie with a massive smile on her face.

"What was the second one?" She answered innocently. I face palmed. Oh Evie.

"Oh." Fairy Godmother's smile dropped. "Mal?"

Said girl looked up from her drawing of the wand, and answered the question perfectly, "C, give it a bottle." And just like that, FG's smile was back.

"You are on fire today, girl." Carlos complimented her.

"It's not hard, just choose the one that sounds like less fun." I sighed. I knew Mal would get there someday. The other three would be easier to win over though.

"Oh, that makes so much sense." Evie absentmindedly stated. Why they all keep up the act of being evil, I have no idea. I mean, I know why they do on the Isle, so they don't get killed by their parents, but here they can be themselves and they're going to ruin that chance if they're not careful.

All of a sudden, a girl with a bob, wearing all blue ran in the room, squealing as she passed us.

"Hello, dear one." FG greeted the girl.

"Hi." The unknown girl whispered. "You need to sign off on an early dismissal for the coronation."

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" FG asked us. I nodded like I knew her before, when really I had no idea who she was before Fairy Godmother told us just now.

"Mom, no!" Jane whisper-shouted. Looks like someone's afraid of us. Great, one less person to be friends with.

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." FG said, pushing her daughter closer towards us.

"Hi." Jane said shyly. I just waved and smiled at her. She seemed shocked at the action, but carried on talking. "That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." Once again, she squealed when she passed us on her way out. Mal had a look on her face that I didn't really like, but before I could question it, FG carried on with class.

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother cleared her throat. "You find a vial of poison, do you:
A) Put it in the King's wine
B) Paint it on an apple
C) Turn it over to the proper authorities?" Jay, Carlos and Evie immediately raised their hands in the air. Well, technically only Jay and Evie did since Jay pulled Carlos' arm out of the air.

"Jay." FG called on Jay.

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." Jay told her smugly.

Whilst FG was smiling at Jay for getting the answer right, him and Carlos started arguing.

"I was gonna say that." Carlos grumbled.

"But I said it first." Jay smugly reminded Carlos. Suddenly, Jay grabbed Carlos in a headlock and continuously asked who said it first After Fairy Godmother finally got their attention, she she started to reprimand them.

"I am going to encourage you to use all of that energy on the tourney field."

"Oh no. That's okay. Whatever that is, we'll pass." Carlos declined the offer. I sighed and shook my head, but just ignored them and continued learning.

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