He knew that the torrential downpour that night would cover his motorcycle tracks; he also knew, that there was little to no human traffic in the area surrounding the marsh – the best outcome of his plan was that, Jay's corpse would remain quietly hidden forever.

But, who could have predicted that one of Jay's shoes would fall into the gushing river below; and that the Chomphu Bridge would collapse one night, inadvertently resulting in the construction workers crowding the area near the marsh?

Jay's corpse was discovered, and Kongpob had little choice but to impersonate the raincoat man. Because, as Kongpob, he had no motivation to murder Jay, and the police officers were bound to discover the numerous links between Jay and Arthit. Only by becoming the raincoat man, could Kongpob possess sufficient motivation to murder Jay, and focus the police officers' attention towards himself.

Knott asked when Kongpob discovered that Stud was the raincoat man.

Kongpob replied – the second time Stud committed rape. At that time, the victim didn't lodge a police report; subsequently, Kongpob took advantage of this fact by divulging the victim's name to the police officers, thus offering further, irrefutable evidence that he was the raincoat man.

At that time, Stud had accidentally sliced himself with the knife. Afraid to head to the hospital, Stud had requested for Kongpob to assist in the purchase of bandages and various ointments and creams to stop the bleeding. Kongpob had lashed out at Stud then, and warned him against continuing his crimes. But Stud paid no heed to Kongpob, and when he committed his crime the third time, he continued to ask Kongpob to purchase medicine on his behalf.

Kongpob told Knott, that he could have, in actuality, spared Stud's life.

But, from the moment he discovered Arthit's strange, uncontrollable fear upon seeing Stud, he formed a vague suspicion that Stud was part of the group of perpetrators who had participated in the bullying incident.

Additionally, he was worried that Stud may not be able to control himself, and continue to force himself on other young girls or boys in the future. This would then result in suspicions and doubts being cast on Kongpob's identity as the raincoat man, and his entire plan would come to nothing.

Late one night, Kongpob met up with Stud.

He had no choice – Stud would only cease his criminal acts only when he was dead; and Kongpob's impersonation as the raincoat man would only succeed if Stud ceased to commit his criminal acts once Kongpob was caught.

However, Kongpob discovered, that he was unable to bring himself to murder Stud.

Stud had preoccupied himself with playing video games earlier that night, and had just commenced wolfing down his supper when Kongpob arrived. Stud was extremely excited to see Kongpob after such a long period of time, and enthusiastically placed his arm over Kongpob's shoulders whilst hollering "P' Ai Kong". Although Stud was, in actuality, the oldest amongst the three of them, he had no relatives and friends, and was frequently tormented and bullied in the welfare center. He only had Em and Kongpob, and often consulted Kongpob whenever he encountered a difficult, or sticky problem. Gradually, he began to address Kongpob as P' Ai Kong when they are together.

Although Kongpob was younger than Stud, the latter's habit of addressing him as P' Ai Kong caused him to slowly perceive Stud as a younger brother, and he eventually developed a habit of taking particular care of Stud. He just couldn't bring himself to murder Stud.

Kongpob wrestled with his inner demons for an extremely long time, before finally deciding to give up on his plan. Turning to Stud, he told him to make a run for it and leave Lampang.

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