Chapter 11

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Wow...That was ... There's no way to say how amazing it was. The kiss was everything I imagined. I couldn't hold myself back when I kissed her. I was hungry for her lips. Her lips were so soft. Having her body close to mine, her scent was intoxicating. I've never in my life felt this way about anyone. No woman, especially a human, ever made me feel this way. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was excellent and extraordinary. Although we aren't fully exclusive, I'm determined to win her heart. I'm so glad she's giving me a shot.

Soon my bumblebee, I shall call you to mine forever.  I will lead you to Hell, and we will rule Hell together. I won't let you go; I'll protect you, take care of you, and give you everything you desire. Nothing but the absolute best for you, my Queen. Seeing her sleep peacefully on my lap made me blush like a tomato. She looked so beautiful and innocent; I couldn't help but run my fingers through her hair and hold her close. I did not want this night to end. I wanted to scoop her in my arms, carry her to my house, and let her rest in my bed, but sadly, I knew I had to take her home. She told me she was helping at a bake sale tomorrow for toddlers.

Her apartment

I walked her inside her suite when we arrived back at her building.

"Thank you for tonight Lucifer; this was amazing," she said

"My pleasure, my bumblebee *winks* I exclaimed

"Bumblebee?" she asked curiously

"Why yes, you are as beautiful as a bumblebee. You symbolize brightness and power. You're as bright as the sun".

*She blushes*

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me; thank you. Perhaps, if you don't have any plans tomorrow on Saturday, you would like to help at the bake sale tomorrow? The proceeds will go to Sunset's Home for Children." she exclaimed

I smiled. This will be the perfect opportunity to spend more time with her.

"I'd be honored," I said flirtatiously.

"Great! Here's the address; it starts at 10 am; I'll see you there," she said

"Absolutely," I exclaimed then I shared a goodnight kiss with her.

"Goodnight, my Bumblebee," I said

"Goodnight," she said


After the passionate kiss, he turned and left. I can't believe that he and I are giving this a chance. There's something about Lucifer. I get butterflies in my stomach every time he charms me and flirts. He's, without a doubt, the most intriguing, devilishly handsome fellow I've ever met. I've never seen a man like him, even though Michael doesn't compare to him. Lucifer isn't how the news portrays him; He's so much more than that. He's incredible. That kiss we shared tonight was like fireworks.

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