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Dear Diary,

I watched Rowan slowly walk out my front door.

When he leaves, my mom brings me to the living room and looks at me, concerned, "You know you could have told me."

I stutter in my words, "B-But you're always telling me about how you can't wait till I bring home a g-girlfriend."

"I just wanted you to be happy." She says looking at the ground, "I should have known what was going on with you."

"So you're ok with it?" I say with a slight hint of hope in my voice.

"I wish you told me sooner."

What does she mean?! Is she not ok with it?! I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and walked to my room. I called Rowan and told him that things were... ok.

"No, nothing is ok!" he said, he seemed really upset, "I got robbed and my stuff is gone! All my savings are gone and I don't know how to pay rent anymore!" There was silence on the other side of the phone.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" I don't know why I said it but it felt like it was something we both needed. Plus, it was our thing now.

Rowan told me how he went to his apartment and saw his door open. When he looked around, all of his valuable stuff was stolen and his landowner didn't care.

"And now the rent is due literally tomorrow! And I can't make enough money at the ice cream shop in just 24 hours," he continued as we sat on the rooftop again. He scooped up some of his plain vanilla ice cream, shoving it into his mouth.

I felt really bad for Rowan.

I wanted to kiss him but I knew it wasn't a good idea, just... the wrong moment. So I just offered a smile, he smiled back and it made me feel better about my mom.

I wanted to complain about my mom but it didn't seem that bad after what happened to Rowan.

"Hey, thanks." He said looking down at his ice cream and taking another bite.

"For what?" I asked.

"Nothing, I guess." He chuckled a little bit.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed, we watched the sunset for what felt like 10 minutes but ended up being an hour. "What if you stay at my house until you can pay rent? " I broke the silence.

He shakes his head, "I don't think your mom will let you. Expressly after what happened a second ago."

"I'll talk to her, I promise."

"Ok, I guess.!" He says starting to cheer up.

It felt good to see him happy because of me. He hugs me and when my

head hits his shoulder I suddenly feel safe, like everything in the world would just be... ok. 

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