Can't get you out of my head

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Dear Journal,

I almost stumbled on the stairs up to my apartment. When I got to my door, I flung it open and kicked off my shoes.

"I KISSED HIM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs once I was in my apartment.

The person living above me stomped their feet shouting, "NOBODY CARES! BE QUIET!"

I just smiled, got myself some Oreos and milk, and sat on my couch to scroll through my phone. I wanted to text Felix but then I remembered the way he ran off afterward. Was it really that bad? Why didn't he move if he didn't want it to happen? Why did I kiss him?!? My head was spinning.

All of a sudden I felt tired, I wanted to go to sleep. So I headed to my bedroom which was right next to my kitchen.

The only thought coursing through my mind as I lay down on my bed, was the thought of accidentally scaring him away. Why would I just go and screw things up again?!? Was it because I liked him?

"Felix, Felix, Felix," I mumbled. The more I said his name, the more tired I became. I fell asleep with the thought of him on my mind.

My alarm clock went off waking me, it was loud. My head was throbbing, "Felix." I say in a groggy voice remembering the night before. I smiled and laughed a little.

I got up and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, assembled my backpack, and grabbed my phone from the couch.

I practically skipped out the door thinking about seeing Felix again. My smile quickly turned to a frown and my skipping turned into a walk. I remembered how everybody would look at me in the hallways and how everyone knew... knew that I liked Felix.

"I... like... Felix." I said quietly, it felt good to say.

My frown once again became a smile.

The walk to school was calm. The sky was clear and the sun was shining bright on my face.

Once I entered the school I saw Felix, "Hey!" I waved across the hallway. Everyone looked at me. I quickly put my head down but continued to walk towards him.

Once I got to him I picked my head up and smiled. "So... hey." I tried to act like nothing happened yesterday.

"Yeah... hey." He responded, "What class do you have?"

"Looks like Engish." I looked at my schedule.

"Oh cool. I have Biology," he grumbled, "I guess I'll see you after school." He slid past me with his head down and his hoodie up.

I turn around watching him walk away, everyone around us looks too.

Did I say something wrong? 

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