My Diary

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Dear Diary,

Dear Diary,

I'm Felix and this is my diary where I can write my thoughts and feelings.

So, of course, I'm not here to talk about my parent's divorce because they aren't dad died when I was 6 from a car crash when he got back from work.

Anyway, I moved to Wellers Town in Arizona from New York City recently. School hasn't started yet but it's coming up pretty close. Lately, though, I've been thinking about the sad fact that I don't really have any friends.

As I said, I'm new to town and I've been spending most of my time playing video games. My mom said it's bad for my health to stay indoors all the time and she kicked me out.

She handed me 20 bucks and said there was a local ice cream shop just around the corner.

I scuffed my feet on the sidewalk, thinking about the first day of school. Who am I going to sit next to at lunch? Are all the boys at my school jerks like last time? Do they even have good lunch food?!

I was so lost in my thoughts I forgot to open the door to the ice cream shop. I walked into the glass door and fell backward, landing on my butt with a thump.

The employee in the shop saw me and rushed outside to help me up. "Oh gosh! Are you ok?"

The boy had copper shimmer hair. He wore his white baseball cap backward and his red flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows.

"Don't worry, I know you were thinking hard about what ice cream flavor you're going to get so you ran into the door." He joked and smiled, holding out his hand, "It happens a lot to our customers."

His eyes were a light brown and had a warm feeling to them.

He brought me inside and offered a 25% discount just because I was a special customer.

Before I left, he stopped me, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Oh...Felix." I blushed a little. Wait...I BLUSHED?!

"Cool! I'm Rowan. My shift ends in about an hour. Maybe we can hang out afterward?"

"Uh...Yeah! Sounds great!" I said. He was a kind person and I don't know what came over me but the sound of my voice was nervous and awkward.

"Meet me behind the shop." He smiled and waved as I embarrassedly walked out of the shop.

As soon as I turned around the corner, I punched myself in the face. What the heck, Felix?! Just be a normal person and talk normally!!! Now he probably thinks I don't want to hang out with him!!! UGH.

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