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Jeongin, along with his friends, is walking toward their class. The school bell rang which means the students will have to be in their respective rooms as their first period will begin soon. They arrived at the classroom and Jeongin bid goodbye to his friends before he turns and starts walking to the library.

"You're skipping class again." Jisung mentioned to the male, "Yes. And it's boring so I'm going to sleep in the library. Do come when class is over.", Jeongin said before walking further inside the quiet library.

Soon enough, the male drifted to sleep and while Jeongin was sleeping peacefully in the library, Chan was in his class when he heard that classes got canceled. Everyone was dismissed and Chan exited the room while thinking about what he would do for the next hour. He could have slept one more hour, "Well, I could do some studying for our test next period.", he thought to himself. While walking to the library, he was mad with himself. Why didn't he check if there were classes canceled? And with all the thinking Chan had already arrived at the library.

When he went in, he was shocked at how only a few people there are inside. He saw some people by the bookshelves and a cute boy sleeping on a desk. He doesn't like to be alone and his friends aren't at school yet so he decides to sit next to the sleeping boy. When he sees and examines the boy's face clearly, he starts blushing from how cute he is.

After studying and occasional staring at the boy, it was almost time for his second period to begin. He thought he couldn't leave without a picture of the cute boy so he tried to sneak a picture. He didn't realize that his flash was on and the sudden flash of light woke the boy up, making Chan almost fall off his chair when the boy suddenly woke up. He was glad the boy didn't know that he had secretly taken a photo. After the boy woke up, there was an awkward silence between the two.

"OMG, is this really Bang Chan? Channie?! What is he doing here?!" is the very first thing that went through Jeongin's mind right now. Jeongin has a huge crush on Chan and from then he started blushing when he looked into Chan's eyes. Chan notices and started teasing Jeongin, "Am I that handsome?" Chan teased the younger.

Jeongin started to become more flustered but said it was because he didn't expect someone to be there.

Chan wanted to ask for his number but unfortunately, the bell rang so he has to go to his class, "Bye-bye... Ummm—"

"My name is Jeongin.", Jeongin replied, "Okey. Bye, Jeongin. Oh! and my name is Chan. I need to go to class, hope we meet again.", Chan added.

"Bye! I hope we meet again too." Jeongin mumbled.

When Chan left, Jeongin tried to fall back asleep again but he couldn't. He was thinking too much about Chan. Jeongin's friends then came 10 minutes later and they saw Jeongin blushing, it already happened 15 minutes ago and he's still blushing. His friends asked him what was wrong, "Channie— I, channie, poke Channie—" Jeongin tried to say something but it didn't go the way he wanted.

"What are you saying?", Jisung asked, "Speak up before I force it out of you." Seungmin sternly added. Jeongin took a deep breath and started explaining, "When I woke up from my sleep, Chan was sitting next to me and started talking to me! You know how much I love him like he's illegal!"

"So you're blushing just from a conversation? Our baby, why are you so cute?!" Felix teased, "Shut up.", Jeongin said and began to blush more, thinking about the certain event again.

an: I hope you like the frist part i did my best but engelish isn't my mother launegues so i hope you don't mand. it is my first time wruting a story hope you like it

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