Reading and Laughing

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(Y/n)'s POV

When Gally and I leave the scene we go off to the tower in the Glade. The tower is one of the only places in the Glade to get any real privacy, and I had put together quite the treat for the two of us. Gally and I have found many things we enjoy doing together and one was me reading to him as he tinkered with little things he had in his workshop. 

Little did the builder know I had just that waiting for us in the tower. As we settle in the small area he sighs closing his eyes and leaning on my shoulder. "What do you have planned for us?" he asks happily all traces of his hard exterior melted away as it was most of the time we were alone now. The Gally I use to fight with daily is now someone I only see in playful moments or around the other Gladers. 

"I found us a book," I tell him smiling brightly showing him a worn cover to a dirty old book. "The last dragon," he reads out as he examines the book "it's about a princess who is the last of her line which is said to have dragon blood in her veins," I tell him my eyes lighting up at the prospect of a good book like this. "but I also brought you something to keep your hands busy," I tell him grabbing the bag I'd brought up with us and dumping the context out in front of him. 

Bits of wood, metal, and tools scatter out causing him to chuckle "Dang (Y/n) did you pack my whole workshop?" he asked as he rummaged through the material. Gally was always someone who had to work with his hands, building, tinkering, drawing. He couldn't sit still not for long anyways he would get antsy, and I only wish I could understand how he looked at wood and metal. 

As I read he worked and had a gentle smile on his face and I couldn't be happier with how this anniversary was going. 

Gally's POV
I look up from my tinkering to see her eyes dance across the page of the book as she reads to me. She was so beautiful and I loved knowing that she was mine and she was safe here with me. I put my hand on the book and push it down stopping her reading for a minute as I look into her eyes. "(Y/n) I-" 

(Y/n)'s POV

"GALLY! WE NEED YOUR HELP!" we hear one of the gladers call from down below "What!? I'm busy!" Gally shouts down at whoever had interrupted us giving them a glare I was sure they'd feel from even down on the ground. "The bonfire, the builders haven't even gotten it started!" they call up "oh for shuck's sake Kyle can't do anything!" I hear Gally say angrily "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you. I'll see you at the bonfire," he tells me before pecking my lips and going back down the ladder.

I frown slightly and begin gathering the scraps left from Gally's tinkering and I stay at the tower for a minute looking over the Glade. How could something so amazing come out of this? I wondered as I looked over our prison. I began to wonder if we'd ever get out, what I wouldn't give to get out of this place.

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