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(Y/n)'s POV

Gally and I have been together for one year today, and I couldn't be happier about it. It would be a good day to celebrate with the new greenie showing up today and all. I was just waiting for the alarm to ring, and my patience was not the best. Gally and I agreed to work until the Greenie came up about mid-day.

 As I go to grab the next animal for slaughter I hear its sound. I smile and run over to the box in the center of the glade with all the other gladers excited to have a break, but more excited to spend my anniversary with Gally. As we all gather around the box the boys open the large metal doors that make light pour in on the new Greenie. 

I always have sympathy for new Greenies the first day is the worst day. They all laugh and begin suggesting jobs for the boy "Gally, go get him," Zart comments sending Gally into the box to pull out the Greenie. Gally tosses him outright at my feet and I can see the boy has black hair and deep green eyes. The boy looks like a spooked deer, as everyone comments on the boy wondering where he'll fit in as he bolts. 

He runs fast and Zart calls "We Have a Runner!" but not a moment later the Greenie falls flat on his face causing the boys to shout and laugh at the Greenies misfortune. They grab the Greenie and put him in the pit temporarily so he doesn't run again, and I take my attention away from the Greenie and go to Gally. "Ready?" I ask gleefully at the tall blonde he nods intertwining his fingers with mine. 

We're not doing much but hanging out luckily Winston didn't mind me taking the day off, and Kyle was put in charge of the builders for the day. Gally was a little reluctant at first but I was convincing enough. "I got you a gift in the room," Gally tells me scratching the back of his neck causing me to smile "I wish I'd known we were doing gifts. I didn't get you anything," I admit he shrugs "good, cause I don't need anything," he says looking down at me. 

When we get to the room he first hands me a bouquet of wildflowers as he gave me on our first date, a bracelet he'd made me, and his first sketchbook. "The bracelet has a knife hidden into it," he tells be demonstrating the action of flipping the knife in and out of the hidden compartment. "That's incredible Gally," I tell him mimicking his actions with the bracelet before slipping it onto my wrist. "Thank you," I tell him as I set the other things over in my area of the room.

We leave the room to see Chuck escorting the Greenie around and I smile at the two. "Chuck's showing the Greenie around," I tell him gesturing to the pair Gally looks over in time to see the Greenie heading for the maze. "It's closing time we have to stop him," I tell Gally as we hurry over "Hey!" Gally shouts at the Greenie before giving him a hard shove to knock him off of his feet.

"We've got to stop meeting like this greenie," Gally says looming over the boy who in a panic stands and shouts "get off me!" to Gally "okay, calm, calm, calm," Gally says quickly trying to usher the boy to calm down and listen. He didn't understand the danger that loomed so close. The greenie continues to shout causing a crowd to gather at the commotion.

"Take it easy," I say trying to calm the greenie whose eyes flicker to me for only a second "what the hell is wrong with you guys?" he asked asking everyone at the same time. The boy was on the defensive ready to run at the first sign of trouble. "Hey, calm down alright," Newt says as he runs up to us. "No, why won't you just tell me what's out there?" he asks gesturing to the maze.

"We're just trying to protect you," Alby ushers "You guys can't just keep me here!" the greenie shouts clueless if only he knew what he wanted to walk into. "We can't let you leave," Alby tells him and as on queue, the maze doors begin to close.

The Greenie looks terrified as we all watch the doors seal closed "next time I'm going to let you leave," Gally tells the Greenie obviously frustrated by the Greenie's thick skull for not listening. Gally then comes to grab my hand before walking away from the scene.

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