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(Y/n)'s POV

I spend the rest of the day thinking of Gally, and how in these past two days he's done a whole 180. What had changed or had it always been like this and I just never noticed, Winston must have noticed my dazed expression as I fed Bark the dog of the glade. "Where's your head at (Y/n)?" Winston asks "um I guess just thinking about...." I drift off wondering what to say to cover what I'm actually thinking of. 

"Gally?" he asks with a smile I blush and look at him with wide eyes revealing everything. "Oh My God, you are!" Winston shouts causing a few of the slicers to look over at us. "Slim it, before others find out," I tell him "(Y/n), how did you fall for Gally? You argue all the time plus he's an asshole," Winston says matter of factly. "He's not a complete asshole he has his reasons, and he can also be kind," I tell him trying to ignore the blush rising. 

"Woah," I hear someone say behind me causing my heart to drop because I know exactly who it is. "You like Gally!" Chuck shout causing me to pale and nearly tackle the boy, "Chuck please don't!" I beg as the boy smiles. Chuck's eyes look towards the builders and then he bolts "No!" I shout as I begin to chase the boy "Chuck!" I call after him but that's when he started.

"(Y/n) likes Gally! (Y/n) likes Gally!" by the time I got my hands on him and covered his mouth the damage was done. "I'm gonna kill you for this Chuck," I tell him angrily then I meet eyes with Gally and turn redder than I had been. I march back over to the slicers ignoring the teasing from the guys. Now I'm back to this everyone in the Glade picking on me. Great!

If I hadn't been so hungry I would have skipped lunch but I could hear my stomach growling loudly. As I entered the mess hall I heard whistles and one of the builders even called out "look it's Gally's girl," but I had gotten good at ignoring the boys. "Fry, you remember that favor you owe me?" I quiz and he nods "take away Chuck's dessert ration for a week," I tell him "Dang (Y/n) a week? Are you trying to kill the boy?" Frypan asks me raising an eyebrow.

 "Oh, that's not even the tip of the iceberg. He cleans up after the slicers I think I'm going to forget how to not let the guts get everywhere," I add Fry laughs and leans closer "I gotta ask is what Chuck said true?" he asks I grimace and think of how to answer "does it matter?" I ask him taking my bowl of stew. I don't eat in the mess hall but right outside not wanting to deal with the teasing while I eat. 

I expect to see Gally at some point asking the same question as Fry, but I am able to finish my meal in peace I leave my dishes at the back door for Fry. I refused to go back in the mess hall and grimace that the bonfire is tonight for the new Greenie. Luckily Gally will be in the fight circle like every month. "Hey (Y/n) you want some of Gally's special drink?" Clint asks jokingly waving the jar around I glare at him but take the jar. I don't even greet the new Greenie it's just some blond who looks like another builder.

I find my way towards the deadheads and mostly just stare at the drink in my hand watching it swish back and forth. I feel the rain start but don't move, I feel slightly buzzed from the drink "I thought you learned your lesson from drinking that stuff," I hear Gally say causing me to tense up. I cough nervously "what can I say it's a good drink," I tell him refusing to look at him.

Gally sits down beside me quietly and I can feel his eyes on me admiring the way he'd done my hair earlier. "Your hair looks good like that," he tells me I nod "yeah, maybe you can pull it back like this more often for me," I say hopeful looking into his eyes softly. "Yeah, meet me in the mornings and I'll braid it," he says and I smile and nod staring of at the other gladers as they enjoy the rainy bonfire.

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