Gally to the Rescue

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Gally's POV

"Okay guys I'm going to go in and make sure the support beam isn't rotted all the way through, I'll call for you in a minute," I tell the builders as I enter the bathhouse Alby had noticed some rotting in the support beam and asked me to take a look at it. When I entered in I immediately notice clothes and I blush to see their (Y/n)'s clothes.

I quickly assess the support beam and call to the others "All of you go back to the other projects I can handle this on my own. I tell them and I hear them talking but not to me, then I realize they see her and anger begins the boil over in me. I walk out to see their disgusting eyes on (Y/n) who is trying to him in the water but the outline of her figure is clear. "Hey (Y/n) how about you give us a show!" Jake one of my builders calls making me grab his collar and punch him hard. 

They all turn their attention to me and see that I'm not in the mood to deal with them. I throw Jake to the ground "If any of you talk about this I'll make sure that you'll hate your jobs as a builder! Go back to our other projects and apologies to (Y/n) on your own time! Am I understood?" I shout at the six boys they all nod and scurry away from me I watch them angry and disgusted with them and plan to give Jake the jobs out in the sun. 

"Thank you," I hear (Y/n) say sheepishly from the water, I want to turn around but fight against it not wanting her to feel more uncomfortable. "Don't mention it, I'm gonna be in the bathhouse for about twenty minutes fixing the support beam. If anyone, especially me builders come over to harass you call for me," I tell her going back inside the bathhouse to let (y/n) wash and for me to fix the support beam.

(Y/n)'s POV

I watch Gally go into the bathhouse and I blush hard and try to push the emotions rising up away, but I think that's it. I like Gally. I continue to wash up and once I'm done I survey the area before climbing out and wrapping myself in my towel. I knock on the bathhouse before entering "Gally are you still in there?" I ask "yeah I'm finishing up though," he tells me I push open the door entering the large room. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" Gally asked shocked that I entered in only my towel. 

"better to be in here than out there and I'm covered up it's fine," I tell him feeling safe around Gally knowing that he won't pull anything and I sit down as I watch him continue to finish his work. "Can you not stare at me?" Gally asks as his eyes narrow on the support beam I feel the blush return to my cheeks and I nod looking away. I stand and grab a second towel to dry my hair with. "Are you really using a second towel?" Gally asks causing me to scoff.

"Says the guy with barely any hair. You could never understand my struggle, and I have no idea how to pull it back so I have to dry it all before I get dressed," I tell him he huffs "stupid shebean, you don't even know how to do your hair?" he asks he's silent for a minute and then adds "let me help you," he says coming over to me.

I'm hesitant at first but the sit and let him mess with my hair he pulls it into three sections and begins twisting them in a beautiful way that I've never seen. "How do you know how to do this?" I ask "I don't know something I learned before the maze I guess," he tells me. "Maybe you have a sister," we both go quiet after that it doesn't matter if he does or not he couldn't remember if he did. 

"Hold the end," he tells me pulling the end of my hair to me, I do as he instructs as he goes to grab a rubber band from his supplies. "We use these a lot for quick fixes but you can use them for your hair if you want to," he tells me as he takes my hair back and secures it in the rubber band. "Thank you, Gally," I say turning back to look at him he nods and begins to gather all of his things to leave the bathhouse. Without another word, he leaves the bathhouse, and with that, I dress and leave too.

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