Chapter LVIII: Complicated

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Kendra stayed out for the rest of the day after talking to Peter. She also spoke to a man by the name of Scott Lang. Who was all too thrilled to learn of her special abilities. He wanted to know everything she was able to tell him- mostly if she could see a Zombie Apocalypse in the future. Which made her laugh until she noticed he was serious.

After Scott agreed to help with the upcoming war, Kendra left his place and went to see Tony Stark. Listening to the elevator ding as she went down to the lab that Tony was working in at the Avenger Tower.

"Bonnie! Where's Clyde been? Thought you two would be like the Wonder Twins since finding out you're related." Tony said as Kendra walked into the lab. "And no witchy-woo today?"

"Thought I'd take the scenic route." Kendra snipped back with a shrug. Tony laughed, shaking his head. "And Loki has a kingdom he's running- or else he'd be here trying to stab you."

"Well thats- relaxing." Tony muttered as he closed out of what he was doing. "So what brings you here? Wanted to see your favorite Genius? Maybe leave Steve behind? I should mention, I'm with Pepper now-"

"Definitely not interested, but thank you. I'm not really into- scrawny men. Is that a choice?" Kendra asked, sarcasm dripping from her tone. Tony narrowed his eyes at her. "But favorite genius? Yeah, I guess I could agree with that. Favorite Genius of Engineer. Bruce is my favorite scientist- Although, you might have a run for your money. The Spider kid is a genius."

"Spider kid? You saw that kid who shoots webs and stuff? I was thinking about offering him an internship." Tony said, mostly to himself. Kendra grinned.

"Well, I did most of the work for you. He'll be here tomorrow at noon. Peter Parker. Be nice to him, yeah?" Kendra told him as she sat on the desk near her. "Not too nice of course. Can't coddle the boy. Teach him well." Tony smiled at the woman. He could tell she had big plans for this Peter Parker boy. That she cared not just about the war as well.

"Is that why you had me make that new costume? Spider-Tech?"

"Of course. Did you think it was for me?" She asked with just as much sarcasm. "I'm not too partial to spiders. And I'm not-"

"An Avenger. I know. Although, you are the only reason we all are together." Kendra shook her head at him.

"No, you would have gotten together eventually- I just gave you all a nudge to do it sooner." She shrugged. Tony raised an eyebrow at her, rolling his eyes.

"And what about the thing with Rogers? What happened there?" Tony asked as he went over to work on something. Kendra sighed, crossing her legs.

"It's complicated." Kendra told him simply. Tony shook his head.

"Is it?" He asked. "You have an aneurysm in your optic tract that is causing your blindness. You are afraid you will die when they try to remove it. Rogers is afraid you'll die because of it going- POP." Tony explained as he looked up to make sure she was still there. "Sounds to me, you both are afraid you'll die."

"Steve is more worried about my well being- while I'm making sure I prevent this war." Kendra spoke up, annoyed at the subject.

"This war isn't all on you." Tony clarified. Kendra looked up, her eyes flicking around where he was. Like she wanted to look at him at that moment. "Why are you so hellbent on helping us with this war? We won it in the future you saw- didn't we?"

"That's even more complicated." Kendra told him.

"No it's not." Tony remarked back. Kendra sighed, shaking her head.

"We won. But it took too many losses to do it. I'm not letting anyone die." Kendra told him, her eyes making contact with his eyes. Tony stared back at her. It was almost like she knew she was looking at him.

"Who died? Did Rogers die? Is that what this is about?" Kendra shook her head.

"I'm not telling you that." Tony sighed.

"Fine. But just know- you both are in the wrong. You need to go easy on him- he's like a hundred or something. His heart can't handle it." Kendra snorted.

"I'm going home after this anyway." Kendra told him as she got off the desk. "And be easy on the old man jokes. He may be old- but you look the part and he doesn't." Kendra told him with a laugh. Tony glared at her, shaking his head.

"So harsh." Kendra laughed as she left through a portal to her apartment.

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