Chapter 15 New Pet, New Problems

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After a few days, Firey and Leafy continued to live their lives on the Dream Island.

But, unknown to them, a storm was coming.

"Uh-oh, I don't like the look of that sky.", said Leafy.

Firey looked up and nodded.

"A storm is coming. We gotta get back inside the hut and get it ready for when it arrives. Things are getting ugly.", Firey agreed. Leafy nodded and went inside to put up the window covers.

Firey went inside as well and shut the door tightly to make sure it wouldn't blow open from the strong winds.

Leafy managed to get everything done in record time.

"How is the hut, Leafy?", he asked. "All good, Firey. It is all secured and ready to go.", she said. "Oh, that's good, good, good!", Firey replied, happily. Firey was proud of Leafy taking the initiative to get everything ready regardless of being asked to or not.

The storm was coming up fast! The clouds began to swirl and soon it became clear: a hurricane was forming!


"Aah, Firey, a hurricane is forming!!!!! This is not good!", Leafy exclaimed in fear.

Firey looked at the storm... and realized Leafy was right! "Oh, my spark!", he exclaimed in fear.

Firey grabbed a Yoyleberry and munched on it. Turning into metal, he went outside, where the rain was beginning to fall, and moved the canopies of the palm trees to cover the hut and protect it. Using rope he tied the tops to each other, keeping them in place and making sure the brunt of the storm wouldn't destroy the hut.

"Hurry, Firey!", Leafy warned. Firey heard Leafy and hurried.

Just as Firey finished and ran back towards the hut, he stopped as he heard something.

"What was that?!", he asked in alarm.

He looked around and saw a little furry animal wandering around and scared of the upcoming storm. The animal was crying and begging to be saved. The animal was a little lemur with round ears and was very cute. And was a girl.

"Don't worry, little critter, I am coming!", Firey announced as he ran towards the animal. "Hurry, guys! The storm is almost here!", Leafy exclaimed.

And Leafy was right! The storm was almost at the island and was destroying almost everything it touched. The only things that had a chance against the storm were the palm trees.

Firey grabbed the animal and ran to the hut at insane speeds. Leafy reached out and locked hands with Firey.

"FIREY!!!!!", Leafy screamed as she yanked him inside, just in time!!!!!

The hurricane arrived and the hut rocked back and forth as if they were all in an earthquake. Everyone hugged each other and ducked down, braving the storm!

"Hold on!", Firey shouted as he held Leafy and the critter tightly against him.

It was a raging storm!

A storm that Leafy, Firey, and the little animal were lucky to escape.

The Adventures of Leafy and Firey (A BFDI/ BFDIA/BFB/TPOT  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now