Chapter 14 A Fire and A Leaf

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Leafy woke up crying because of a horrible nightmare, that night. She was not happy about it. It was terrible and she was so scared that she didn't know where she even was, at first. Or even where Firey was.

Firey awoke and immediately pulled back the curtain separating the two beds in the bedroom. He was alarmed.

"Leafy, what happened?! Are you OK?", Firey said, clearly troubled.

"No, I had a nightmare. I am sorry, Firey. I am just... *sob* *sniff* *sob*.", Leafy broke down in tears again.

Firey was shocked. But, he felt so sorry for the little leaf. Munching on a Yoyleberry, he went over towards Leafy and gave her a hug.

"There, there, it's OK. I am here for you. What was the nightmare about?", he asked as he patted Leafy's back.

"I was all alone back in Yoyleland and you weren't there. I looked all over for you and when I found you, you said that you did not want me as a friend anymore!", she explained.

Firey looked at Leafy with a look of sympathy for her. He, then, patted her on her head and sighed.

"Oh, Leafy, I would NEVER say that! Never! You are my best friend and you are practically my younger sister! I would never leave you, and I am sorry, for everything that happened between us.", Firey reassured. "So, am I.", Leafy replied.

Firey, then, remembered a lullaby he had heard from his mother when he was a baby, before he went out on his own.

"Hey, Leafy, I know that I never told you this before, but I had a mother who sang me a special lullaby when I was a little fire flame.", he said. "Really? I never knew that!", Leafy replied in surprise. "Yes, it is true.", Firey proclaimed. "Would you like me to sing it to you?", he asked.

Leafy sniffled and nodded, as if she was a little toddler wanting a hug.

Firey began.

"*singing* No matter where you are in the world, I will be there with you/ you will never be apart/ you will never leave my heart/ I will be there for you, always/ always with you/ never feel alone/ never feel sad/ I will always and forever be there/ no matter how long we are apart/ you will never leave my heart."

Leafy was impressed and calmed down as she heard Firey sing the song so sweetly and gently. Firey had the singing voice of an angel. Leafy listened closely as she closed her eyes with no worries and no fear.

Just happiness and peace.

After Firey was done, Leafy crawled into her bed and tucked herself in. Firey handed her a tissue. She blew her nose and tossed it into the trash can.

"Thank you, Firey. That was beautiful. Thank you for always being there for me.", she said.

"Of course, Leafy. I am just glad you are feeling better.", he replied with a smile.

"Good night, Leafy."

"Good night, Firey."

The Adventures of Leafy and Firey (A BFDI/ BFDIA/BFB/TPOT  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now