Favorite All Time Characters

156 1 9

1. Bridgette : Her personality is great, she isn't fake nor toxic. ( Minus the pile incident) Her character development in Season 1 was amazing. I feel in future seasons they kind of centered her out though and focused on Duncney. Gidgette in the seasons was great.

2. Heather : I love her attitude. And her being in denial for likening Alejandro is funny. She has some a lot of screen time because she's the little mean girl.

3. Cody : Ladies man. He is such a simp aaaaaa. The few NOCO moments I thought were hilarious. He is overall really cool guy. And his few solos on World Tour were lowkey iconic.

4. Dawn : When I say pure god dam. She doesn't get much screen time and was scammed her placement. Which I Don't like but just me. She was overall a peaceful character until it came to Scott's games. Her audition tape, find these for all contestants on YouTube, was adorable as well.

5. Geoff : Geoff in general is a great funny character! I feel Gidgette was kind of forgotten and they gave them the whole Alejandro but that's about it. Geoff has a big heart.

6. Scott : LOWKEY I love him. His little antics are kinda smart until he gets caught that is. If he was nice to Dawn he would be my #2 honestly. Scottney... uhm no thanks it just no.

7. Topher : Honestly , I find it so adorable that he wants to be just like Chris. If Chris acted well not like Chris this would have been iconic! Topher is just a funny character to me though .

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