Rating ships w/ Tyler

51 0 0

Lyler : Lindsay and Tyler
Will it work : yeah
Why : another just stereotypical one
Score : 10/10

Aletyler : Tyler and Alejandro
Will it work : maybe
Why : Tyler reminds me of that dude who would come out after he is bored with chicks
Score : 3/10

Dunler: Duncan and Tyler
Will it work : No
Why : why are they shipped lol? I don't think they interacted much
Score : 1/10

Tyno: Tyler and Noah
Will it work : meh
Why : could be one of them ones 50/50 outcome
Score : 5/10

Aletyno: Alejandro, Tyler, Noah
Will it work : No
Why : the three as a mix I cannot see happening
Score: 2/10

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