Rating ships w/ Cody

193 3 0

Codawn: Cody and Dawn
Will it work : No
Why : they don't mix well in my eyes
Score : 0/10

Coderra: Cody and Sierra
Will it work : Meh
Why : if she wasn't a stalker .....
Score : 2/10

Codsay: Cody and Lindsay
Will it work : I think so
Why : Cody could flex he is a lady's man and Lindsay she's just the flex
Score : 7/10

Noco: Noah and Cody
Will it work : pls so
Why : Just the scenes they have together r iconic
Score : 9/10

Alecody: Alejandro and Cody
Will it work : meh
Why : if they were both gay the cockiness would be iconic
Score : 5/10

Gwody: Gwen and Cody
Will it work : meh
Why : if Cody didn't try too hard
Score : 6/10

lol it's been a minute cuz school .... Enjoy

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