Rating ships w/ Dawn

110 0 5

Bawn : B and Dawn
Will it work : Maybe
Why : they are so positive and I think they would go good together
Score : 7/10

Codawn: Cody and Dawn
Will it work : No
Why : they don't mix well in my eyes
Score : 0/10

DJ + Dawn
Will it work : yes
Why : they both care about the environment and are unproblematic
Score : 10/10

Dott: Dawn and Scott
Will it work : oh please
Why : I love them for so many reasons
Score : 10/10

Zawn: Zoey and Dawn
Will it work : meh
Why : I don't see them being more then friends
Score : 3/10

Dadgette : Dawn and Bridgette
Will it work : meh
Why : if they met each other maybe
Score : 4/10

Brawn : Brick and Dawn
Will it work : possibly
Why : they are both nice and not judging
Score : 7/10

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