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I adore Doctor Who, I have been watching it for as long as I can remember. So creating my own character for the Doctor and making new scenes was a lot of fun the whole time I was writing. Especially sharing ideas with some of the best people I have ever met (and keeping most of my story lines a secret from them!).

Please understand that at times he may not act how you expect him to, or how he does in the show. And by this I mean he's a bit of a bitch for a while, but not forever. This is purely for my character and to further the story lines that I have planned.

And don't worry, no matter what happens, how horrible my character, the Doctor or the companions become, I thrive on happy endings so everything will be okay.

I literally cannot cope without a happy ending, so it really will be okay!

Eventually :))


In addition to the forewarning, you all need to know that it is very unlikely that all the information about Torchwood will be correct.

I have watched the Torchwood series but that was a very long time ago, so long that for a majority of my older years I thought the episodes had been a fever dream and not a tv show.

I'm only going to be using season 1 characters (that are still alive on the wikipedia) and information from my brother who is a super computer when it comes to all things Doctor Who.

I apologise in advance for the mistakes but hopefully they aren't too detrimental. I want to have time to watch Torchwood but I am at the end of my A-Levels and hopefully going to University so I really don't.

(Marginal update several months after this paragraph was originally written: I got into my University!)

Although that might change by the time the book is out!! I will keep you updated on that.

(I did not get the chance.)

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