E4. Telling Endeavor

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This takes place 4 years later, aka present time. Oh and BTW they found out Touya is alive. Also Tohru is Keigo and Touya's adopted child. Date: October

Fuyumi's POV

Rumi and I nervously walked into my family household. We were here to finally tell my dad about our relationship. We've avoided it for the past 4 years. We just have to tell him, it's long overdue. We walked through the house to try and find him. We got into the living room where he was doing a puzzle with mom and Tohru.

"Hey Fuyumi, Rumi" Mom said and waved. Tohru ran up to us.

"Auntie Yumi and Auntie Rumi! Look what we did!" Tohru said excitingly. I looked at the puzzle.

"Wow, that's great Tohru!" Rumi said.

"Um, Dad, Can we talk to you?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course, What is it?" He asked.


"Oh yeah sure" he got up and walked over to us. We lead him into the dinning room. "What is it?"

"Um, well..... ya know, Rumi can explain this way better"

"Hey, it's your dad. Don't put this on me"

"Ugh, fine..." I whined. I looked my dad in the eyes and took a deep breath. "Rumi and I are dating"

"Yeah, I know" he said confusingly.

"Wait really?"

"Fuyumi, I'm not stupid. Also why would I be the only one that doesn't know?"

"I was just.... scared to tell you" I said and looked down. He patted my back.

"How did you find out?" Rumi asked.

"Well do you remember that time you went to my office to give me something like pancakes or some shit."

"Yeah...." She said.

"Well afterwards, I was going to apologize because I sounded rude. So I walked out and saw you two making out."



"If you were trying to hide it, you really didn't do a good job at it" He said.

"I'm gonna go to mom" I said. Yeah and fucking die of embarrassment. What the fuck.

Rumi's POV

This is the best chance I have to ask him the question.... He was about to get up and go with Fuyumi, but I stopped him.

"Wait, I have a question.. for you" I said. He sat back down and sighed.

"I swear to God if it is sex related, I'm going to murder-"

"No, no, of course not! Why would I ask that?" I know the answer already.

"Keigo has."

"That's weird...." I said. I snapped back into place. "I was wondering..." I stopped.

"Come on Rumi. You've never been nervous around me before." He said while rolling his eyes.

"Can I have top permission to propose to Fuyumi?" I asked in one big breath.

"Oh.... yeah." He sighed. "At least you told me. Thank you."

"You're welcome?" I said.

"So what are you planning?"

"I was planning to......."


Words: 475

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