10. The Door

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Fuyumi's POV

I was sitting in my room. I was on my lonely as well because I was bored as fuck. I had my headphones in listening to gay music (obviously) and reading a book, that I was into, but I can't stop thinking of a certain someone. I heard a knock on the door throught my headphones, I took one of the earbuds out and walked over to the door. It was Rumi (speak of the devil. Actually no angel). And I was in sweat pants and a shirt that by the way was very loose. "Oh hello"

"Hello ma'am, I'm here to fix your door that I broke" She said and tipped her imaginary hat.

"Oh yes, come on in" I said and moved aside welcoming her in. She was wearing shorts and a black crop top like the one she had on like... 3 days ago?

"Thank you, ma'am" She said playing into the act. She walked in with a little box. Which I'm assuming is a tool box. I don't know man I'm not a.... a.... what ever the fuck it's called.

She walked over to the door which was laying on the ground because I'm too weak to pick it up, and/or too lazy. Also I forgot to ask Keigo, he would have used his quirk to do it, because he is also too lazy. She lifted it up no problem, like it was a feather. My eyes tried to go back into my book, but I kept sneaking looks at her and ultimately not paying attention to anything I'm reading. She was just so amazingly hot and sexy and cute and beautiful and everything. I grabbed a bag of popcorn I made a while ago to go with my book. I started to stuff my face with it, and watch her. Which looked very weird and perverted.

"Sorry, Am I bothering you?" She asked. She turned back to me.

"Oh no, no, not at all" I said nervously.
She looked like she stopped for something. "Are you waiting for something?"

"Oh yeah I have to wait for the plaster to dry" She said and pointed to the door frame. No idea what she's talking about but okay.

"Do you wanna sit down for a bit? While you wait for it?" I asked. I patted a spot next to me. She looked a bit nervous and then nodded and walked over to me. She awkwardly sat down next to me. I smiled and tried to actually read my book. Stop getting distracted and just read, Fuyumi, just do it.

"What're you reading?" Rumi asked getting closer to me.

"It's called I think I love you" I could feel my face burning up. That wasn't a very good thing to say out of my mouth.

"I haven't read that before, Is it good?" She asked being completely fine with what I just said. I guess it's just me then.

"Oh, yeah!" I said cheerfully. I used my quirk to cool down my face. She thought for a second.

"If you like books, you should come to my house... I literally have a mini library" She laughed.

"Really?! That's so cool, you really like reading?"

"I love reading" She smiled. She seemed to get closer to me. "Can you show me your collection?"

"Yeah!" I said excitingly.

"I- oh shit, I have to finish that first" she referred to the broken door.

"Oh yeah, I can show you afterwards" I said excitingly.

"... I'm sorry, I have to go to work afterwards" She said while sitting up.

"Then we can do it another time, right?" I said trying not to sound disappointed as fuck.

"Of course" She said and walked over to the door. I continued to watch her fix it.


Words: 636


At work

"..... and she just looked so GOOD and she-" Rumi rambled.

"Oh my fucking God Rumi I know your gay" Keigo said

"But you don't understand she looks so-"

"Please, I don't wanna think about Fuyumi that way" he pleaded.


"She is like my sister. Please. Stop."



Mirko × Fuyumi Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz