7. The Dream

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ small part with adult fun time. Aka Smut. I'll show you when it's over... it starts now btw.

Rumi's POV

I ran my fingers up and down her stomach. I started to grab her waist and kiss her stomach. I slowly went down to her panties. I started to kiss and licked just above her pantie line. I bit the tip of the fabric and slowly took it off with my teeth. She started squirming impatiently.

Once I got her only peice of clothing off she was fully exposed. I licked from her knees to the very top of her thighs. I decided to stop teasing. I licked from her viagina to her clitoris. As I got to her clitoris, she let out a breathy moan. I smirked and looked up at who it was, they had white hair with red streaks.... and....

It's Fuyumi.

Smut ending 🚫⚠️

I shot up from my sleep. I fell off the couch, Wait, Couch? I looked around this, isn't... oh yeah sleepover. "Um, you okay?" Keigo said flying above me.

"Yeah, I just forgot, where I was for a second..." and I had an entirely inappropriate dream about your sister. I got up. "I think I'm gonna go" I said.

"Don't you want breakfast?" He asked me. There isn't even anything out for breakfast.

"What breakfast?" I said.

".... well I have pizza... or you could wait for Fuyumi to wake up" He said and landed down in front of me.

"No, sorry I have to go" I said to him, grabbing my jacket.

"But we don't have patrol till later..." He said to me. "Hey you wanna have dinner?"

"Yeah sure. I just need to go now. I just remembered there was something I had to do at my agency...." I said. That sounds like a made up excuse well it is but he looks suspicious. "Not gonna lie, I completely forgot what it was, but my assistant kept reminding me of it" he laughed.

"Good luck, that doesn't sound good" He said walking away to the kitchen.

"Bye" I waved walking out the door. He was about to say bye but I closed the door too fast.

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT DREAM?! I questioned myself as I speeded down the stairs. Now I just hopped down whole flights of stairs. I mean yeah, Fuyumi is like really pretty, but like what the fuck. I don't- we just met. I can't do that. I don't even- wait what if I like her? I stopped in my tracks with that. Slamming my face first into a wall. I fell on my ass and started rubbing my head.

"I don't like her," I said to myself in pain. "I can't like her" I leaned against a wall. "I mean we just met and I can't..." I tried to calm myself down. I felt tears in my eyes trying to come out. I wiped eyes so I wouldn't. As I do that, I find blood. I have a bloody nose. It's really bad too, there is blood all over my hand. I put my hand over my nose. I lazily get up almost falling down. What if I got a concussion? Should I go back to Keigo? I can't drive if I do, I could hurt myself or someone else. Fuck. I sit back down leaning against the wall. I pull out my phone since I can't walk up all those stairs. Keigo picks up.

"didn't you like just leave like 3 minutes ago? What is it?" He asked. I pulled my hand away from my nose it was cover in blood.

"I'm bleeding" I mumbled. There was a long silence.

"You're on your period?"

"No, I'm bleeding, badly. Can you like fly down the stairs or something and help me?" I mumbled desperately. This like really hurts.

"Oh shit, yeah" He said. A minute later he found me. He stopped flying and leaned down towards me. "That's a lot of blood!"

"Uh huh" I think my function stopped brain. Wait, what? He picked me up with a bit of struggle and flies me up to his... penthouse? He put me inside and layed me down on the couch. He sat me up, but I fell over. He sat me up again, but the same thing happened. He kept me up with his wings as he went away. He came back with Natsuo.

"Don't worry, he's a medical student" Keigo said to me. Natsuo came over next to me and checked my nose.

"It's not broken, It's just bleeding a lot because of the bruising-"

"BRUISING!" I yelled.

"Shhh! Shoto's still sleeping!" Keigo said.

"Sorry, but bruising! Where?!" I asked. Natsuo inhales sharply. Keigo walks away and comes back with a mirror. There is a bruise on my eye. It's pretty bad, but since it's not puffy, I can cover it up with makeup. I sigh deeply. I tip my head back.

"Don't do that you can choke on your own blood" Natsuo said tilting my head forwards. "Just get some tissues and wait for it to clear up"

"Thanks" I said. He handed me a tissue box and gave me a smile. He went off into the hallway. Keigo sat next to me.

"bitch, tell me, what the fuck happened to you?"

"No, it's like super embarrassing"

"I know you haven't known me too long, but I'm the master of that fine art"

"Fine" I sighed. "I was jumping down the stairs and when I tried to stop, I ran into the wall"

"I do that a daily basis, don't worry about it. Well not as bad as that, but I have done that quite a few times"

"You have?"

"Ye-" He was cut off by Fuyumi walking into the room.

"What's with all the noise?" She asked. Oh God, I don't want to see her. Well I do, but I can't. With that dream and the fact that I look like Freddie Kruger.... maybe that's an overreaction but I look ugly. Wait that shouldn't even matter since I don't like her like that and we're just friends. "What happened?" She came over to the other side of the couch and started to touch my face. I pull out some tissues to wipe away the blood. I hold it up to my nose. "Here let me help you" She took the tissues from me and held it in place. She starts rubbing my arm in a comforting manner. If she keeps being so nice to me like this, I'm just gonna go about and cry.

"Thanks" I said. She smiled at me sweetly.

Fuck. I like her, don't I?


If you're wondering why Rumi "can't" it'll be revealed, just be patient you whore.

Words: 1136

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