8. Parents

447 10 18

Rumi's POV

I lay on the couch with 3 pillows under my head. I hate this because I really wanna cry, but like they're all helping me and at least one of them is around me (mostly Fuyumi). I mean I appreciate how nice they're being to me, but I'm just really sad right now. Fuyumi started to put a cold wet rag on my head after I said my head hurt.

"Hey Rumi are you feeling okay now?" Keigo asked. He went up to me leaning over the couch. "You said you had to go somewhere, right?"

"Um, no, I checked with my assistant. Apparently it's tomorrow, I was just being an idiot" I actually do have something to do tomorrow.

"Damn that sucks" He said. "Um, Fuyumi. Those two want you to make food"

"Ugh, fine, this wouldn't be a problem if one of you learned how to cook" she rolled her eyes and walked away. Leaving me and Keigo alone.

"So," he said flying over me to where Fuyumi was. He then whispered. "Why did you run into the wall?"

"Beacuse I'm stupid" I lied.

"I think there's more to it" he said. Shit, he knows something.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think something is bothering you and you won't tell me" he said. Well technically he's not wrong, but that's not what I was looking for. Plus it's stupid I shouldn't tell him. I just met Fuyumi, I can't like her already. That's not how it works... right? "Please, come on tell me"

".... fine, but it's stupid" he smiled and nodded. "I'm not telling you here, I'll tell you later"

"Aww" he frowned, but then popped back up. "Wait, come on" He said and pulled me up, I almost fell, but he caught me. "Sorry" he picked me up and brought me to his room without anyone noticing.

"What if someone walks in, or hears me" I asked. He put me down on the bed.

"The room is sound proof and I'll lock the door" He said and walked over to lock the door. He came back. "Now tell me"

"....." he sat in front of me. "I- um- thought that I liked..... someone and I don't want to and I can't"

"Fuyumi," he said plainly. I rolled my eyes. "Why can't you?"

"Because I can't act on my feelings..."

"Why not?" This is just proving my theory that he's a toodler.

"Bacause my parents.... are homophobic and if I date a girl they'll be so disappointed-"

"Really? That's the problem?" He asked while rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean that's a reasonable problem as it is, not to mention I'm already such a disappointment"

"Come on, look if they don't like you then fuck them. Well don't fuck them, but they can go fuck themselves"

"But their my parents..." He went over to sit next to me.

"Well yeah, regardless it's gonna hurt even if you hate them, but at least you don't have to hide who you are"

"Well what happened when you came out to your parents?" He looked kinda sad, I don't think I've ever actually seen him sad.

"Well, um, it's complicated. But basically I haven't had parents for like... hm 14 years, but a few days ago my mom came up to me saying she wants to rekindle our never found relationship, but when she found out I was gay... she left and forbid me from ever seeing her."

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, I didn't even want to see her in the first place..." He trailed off. "It still hurt though"

"Well that makes me not want to do it, What were you thinking?" I said jokingly. He laughed.

"Look, you don't have to tell your parents if you don't want to, why not just keep it a secret"

"Well they expect me to marry a man with a respectable job title. It sucks having Indian parents" I joked.

"Well I wouldn't know that, but I do know....." He thought for a second. "Something..."

"Thanks anyways" I smiled.

"You should date Fuyumi"

"I can't-"

"I don't fucking care" He said as sweet as he could. "Once again if they don't like it they can go fuck themselves, Do you even like them?"

"No, I don't" I said truthfully.

"Then who cares!" He said.

"I just don't wanna disappoint them"

"Then you can hide it!"

"But that sounds difficult to do..."

"Really?! That's your excuse, it's quite easy if you just don't kiss in public" He told me.

"How would you know?"

"I don't wanna talk about it. Now are you gonna stop being a pussy and just admit your feelings, and pursue them"

"..... it might take a while"

"it's okay I get it, it's hard" He said.


"I'm still gonna try to get you two together ya know."

"That's fine" there was a knock on the door, a repeated knock. Keigo got up and went to open it. Fuyumi busted through the door hitting Keigo right in the face. He fell to the ground.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Fuyumi said walking over to me. "Are you okay? Were you feeling uncomfortable on the couch?"

"No it's okay" I said.

"Oh yeah and I'm fine, Thanks for not even the consideration" he said putting a thumbs up. His name had started bleeding and you could see the bruise forming on his face already.

"You're fine" Fuyumi said.

"We're twins now" He said unorderly.


Legit things my Indian friends tell me about, and shit their parents say.

Words: 935


Keigo and I sat in the bed together with tissues stuffed up our noses and ice packs on their heads. "Oh fuck we still have to go to work" I complained.

"Oh yeah, unless...." he trailed off. Fuyumi walked in to check on us. He picked up his phone and started calling someone. "Hey, Miruko and I got hurt can we skip patrol today?" He asked the person he dialed. Fuyumi put down a cup of water for me and Keigo. I started drinking because I felt heavily dehydrated. "Please, Daddy" I spit out my water, getting it all over myself. "Thank you" he hang up.

"Keigo, How many times do I have to tell you stop calling my dad, Daddy!" I started choking on my water.

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