2. Accusations

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Rumi's POV

I've spent most of my free time over the past 2 weeks talking to Hawks. He hasn't told me his real name yet. I told him that he was the first person I've told. He said he was shocked and honored to hold such a high standard, even though we just met. I also told him that I've never met another queer person, ever. He told me he's met other queer people and that he use to date a guy. He knows way more shit than me. Like waaay more shit. Shit I didn't even know existed.

I invited him to a coffee shop for, obviously, coffee. I walked into the coffee shop. He was already waiting there for me. I sat at the table with him.

"Hey Miruko, Wassup" He said while putting his phone down.

"Hello" I said while giving him a small hug. It looks like he already ordered an iced coffee for himself. Of course, typical stereotype.... wait I'm getting that too. I spoke too soon. "I'm gonna get something as well, Okay?"

"Oh yeah sure go ahead, I should have waited for you. Sorry"

"It's okay"

After getting a drink

I went up to Hawks, he was texting someone. "Who you texting, your boyfriend?" I smirked. He laughed a bit.

"Oh no, I'm texting my roommate," he said.

"You have a roommate?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's Endeavor's daughter. We've been friends for like... oh my God, we've been friends for 13 years, that's crazy" He said shockingly. "Oh, She's queer too, you should meet her, since you only know one queer person, aka me."

"It would be really nice to meet another person, considering I have no friends and I know no queer people" She said.

"Bitch, what am I? A roach?" He said jokingly. "Also don't worry about it, one of my best friends is a 12 year old,"

"Ya know, I don't feel to bad anymore" I said. He laughed again. We started talking about a lot of things.

The next day

I yawned and lazily turned on the TV. I went into my kitchen as the news played. I made my iced coffee and sat on the couch.

"After the leak of a photo of new pro hero Hawks and Miruko at a coffee shop together. It has left people wondering if these 2 young pros are dating..." The news reporter said. I spit out my coffee. I got coffee all over my pajamas (which are sweat pants and a hoodie). I started coughing on the coffee I didn't spit out. Once I calmed down a bit, I got my phone and called Hawks. He answered almost immediately.

"Have you seen the news?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"Um, no" He said. "Why?"

"You should see it" I said. I waited a second.

"What the fuck. Why do they assume 2 people of the opposite gender always gotta be fucking eachother?!" He said.

"I know right, it's bullshit" I said.

"You know what, I'll deal with it, you don't have to worry about it" He said and hung up. What the fuck is he gonna do? I'm sure he'll tell me later. I chug my coffee and go get ready for work.

After getting ready

I go over to my fridge to get some water and another cup of coffee. As I was swigging down my coffee, I noticed the TV was still on. I was about to turn it on when...

"Breaking news: Pro Hero Hawks is here to make an important statement about the accusation of him and Miruko involved in a romantic relationship" the news reporter said.

"What the fuck is he doing?" I asked myself.

He walked onto the stage and went up to the microphone. He tapped one of them causing feedback. You could see people taking pictures of him, by the flashes. He cleared his throat. "I'm gay" he said then exited the stage.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled excitingly jumping up on the couch. "I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ACTUALLY DID IT" I yelled. This crazy little bastard did it! He fucking did it! He broke the fucking barrier! I ran out of my house and pulled out my phone.

I jumped into my car and turned it on quickly. While I did this I called Hawks through my car. He answered after 2 rings.

"Hey, you see the press conference?" He said. I can see the fucking sly ass smirk on his face now.

"You fucking bastard! I can't believe you did it!" I said.

"Oh, it wasn't that hard, really" he said.

"KEIGO!" I heard through the phone.

"Sorry, gotta go bye" He said quickly and hung up. Wonder who that was. Is that his real name then? Keigo? Nice.


That screaming was Endeavor if you couldn't tell.

SHOTOOOOO! ahem don't mind me just being a fucking weirdo

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SHOTOOOOO! ahem don't mind me just being a fucking weirdo.

Words: 820

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